Revenge of the Radio Demon

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The picture above was drawn by a friend of mine I only made it digital so please do not reuse without my permission.

You opened up the kitchen doors with a dramatic flair and entered. The first thing you noticed was Alastor with his back turned towards you. His coat had been discarded and his sleeves were rolled up far enough to see his elbows. You also happened to notice him wearing his favorite "Don't kiss the cook" apron.

"You're late." He said in a chipper tone keeping his back to you allowing you to spot the fluff on his rear. You huffed in annoyance and replied, "By one minute and it's not my fault I'm late, if anything it's yours!" You grinned to yourself wickedly as he turned around and quirked an eyebrow.

"And just how is it my fault darling?" He asked before you opened your mouth to explain.

"I had a dream about you, and the dream kept me in bed longer than I wanted~" you ended with a sly smirk and watched him visibly freeze up. You cackled unable to contain your laughter. After about a whole minute of you laughing and Alastor looking confused. You cleared your throat and said "Relax Al it was just a joke. You should have seen the look on your face it was priceless!" You giggled a little more before magicking an apron that said: "kiss the cook". In a way, the apron was sort of like a way of taunting Alastor. The whole point of it is to annoy him, so because of this, you decided you would wear the damn apron every time you had to help in the kitchen.

"Right dear," Alastor said laughing and unknowingly pulling you out of your thoughts. You could tell that he was a bit flustered by the way his face was colored in a small tint of red. You looked at him and felt a soft smile grace your face.

You found his flustered reaction to being adorable . . . Wait you found his reaction to being adorable! What the hell Y/n what's gotten into you he is an arrogant bastard Y/n, he's probably just trying to get close to you so that he can use you . . . It's nothing but a trick . . .

You mentally scolded yourself before he cleared his throat and asked "So dear, what should we make for breakfast?"

You hummed to yourself before saying "How about some french toast?"

"Hm. Excellent choice dear! Although I would have gone for some venison." He muttered the last part.

"Hey, you asked me what we should make. Plus, if you want some venison that badly just bite your tongue." The remark had left your mouth before you could stop it. You noticed that the grin etched in his face widened by a fraction before opening his mouth and chuckling.

"You've got quite the tongue on yourself don't you my fiesty fox. If I were you I'd watch what rolls off of that nice tongue of yours, it would be a shame if I had to rip it out . . ." His voice was laced with a venom that sent a shiver down your spine. You glared at him and then said
"Is that a threat?"

He then lowered his face near yours before responding with "Sweetheart that's a promise." You backed away looking at his sadistic grin bumping into the counter realizing you were trapped between him and the counter. Again

Damnit what was with this guy and cornering you . . .

You snapped your fingers and teleported to the fridge, taking out the ingredients for the french toast. "Could you stop trying to intimidate me. Your attempts are nothing but vain, so stop wasting your time." Scoffing at him as you began whisking some eggs in a small bowl.

After a couple more threats and some playful banter, the two of you had finally finished preparing the breakfast banquet, which consisted of fruits, french toast, waffles, and bacon. (Sry not sry fat nuggets)

You figured it was too much to carry without making multiple trips even with the two of you helping. So you used a levitation spell to make the dishes float towards the dining room. You walked into the room with all of the dishes following you and noticed everyone was sitting in the same spots as last night. You were about to set the food down when Alastor did the most despicable thing imaginable . . .

He pulled your tail causing you to let out something that sounded sort of like a mixture of a hiss and growl. "ALASTOR YOU SON OF A BITCH!" You started to glow a bit before taking a moment to breathe and calm down. You let the food float down onto the table and took a couple of steps towards Alastor. You stopped right in front of him making your height difference more visible. You then grabbed his bowtie and yanked him down to your eye level.

He noticed that your usual E/c irises had turned red and that the whites of your eyes had turned black. A dark red liquid started to drip from your eyes as you noticed his were now glowing radio dials. Everyone at the table sat silently waiting for someone to say something. The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

You suddenly broke the silence by whispering "Don't touch my tail" in a low menacing growl. He only smiled at you as if he found the situation pleasing. You let go of him and he stumbled back a bit dusting himself off before taking a seat. You reverted from your less pleasing form and took a seat next to him. You looked at the table and said "What?"

Everyone then turned their stares away from you looking in any other direction before Vaggie yelled "WHAT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT, LOOK AS MUCH AS I DON'T LIKE HIM YOU CAN'T JUST GO AND PICK A FIGHT WITH HIM!" By the time she finished lecturing you and Alastor her face was as red as a certain someone. The thought caused you to giggle a little.

"What do you find so funny about this!?" She asked annoyed. You coughed a little before saying "it's just that you look as red as Mr. Twizzler over here!" That's when you heard Angel and Husk start laughing along with you. Vaggie grumbled under her breath while Charlie just tried to calm her down a bit. Alastor on the other hand didn't even look bothered by the new nickname you had given him.

After calming down the atmosphere seemed to lighten. Everyone started to eat in a content silence well almost everyone. You noticed that Vaggie was still suspicious of the food in front of her. You caught her attention by snapping your fingers in front of her face. "Hey, Vags the food is fine don't worry I helped make it." Trusting you she took a forkful of eggs and stuffed it into her mouth. Angel watched the two of you interact. It was strange to see Vaggie trust someone so easily especially an overlord at that.

"Ey Vaggie how come you trust Y/n more than Al I mean they're both overlords right?" Angel asked Vaggie curiously. Vaggie opened her mouth to speak but you spoke before she could even say anything.

"Well without me she wouldn't be in a relationship."

I feel like this chapter was a bit longer than most. Screw word count anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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