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"What?! Please tell me this is a really mean joke, Osomatsu! There's no way she..." You trailed off, trying to think of a reasonable explanation. "Maybe it wasn't her?"

"(Y/N), do I look like I need glasses? It was the same girl and I don't know what to do! I can't tell him! She seemed so nice!"

"It doesn't mean she isn't nice," you explained. "She might regret it."

"Maybe..." Osomatsu hung his head. "We can't tell, ever. I only told you because I needed help, and my brothers wouldn't be good with that."

"How did you know I'd keep the secret?"

"We don't know you too well, but I don't think you're the kind of person to stab someone in the back. Don't make me regret my decision." His tone dropped dangerously low.

"Noted. I'll take it to my grave." Oh, the irony.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." He pulled you into a hug, making you tense up. When was the last time someone hugged me?

"Oi, lovebirds! We're getting ready for bed, so stop doing whatever you're doing!"

"That's my cue!" Osomatsu saluted. "Goodnight to you!"

"Uh...goodnight?" You were a bit amazed at how fast they disappeared. "Jeez," you straightened your blanket, "if they're NEETs, where are their parents?"

"Out of town."

"SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!" You whirled around to find Ichimatsu playing with a cat. "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!"

"Not so loud, the neighbors will hear. You going to bed?"

"No duh." You covered yourself, exhaling softly. They're all weird, but weird can be good. Maybe I can call them my friends?

"Tired?" Ichimatsu asked, poking your cheek.

"A little. I have some questions. How come you looked like a cat this morning?" He shrugged. "Okay...how long were you there?"

"All night. You looked very cold, so I helped with that."

"I did?" Does that mean we...cuddled? "Um, what are we?"

"What are we? What do you mean?" He looked up with a mildly curious expression.

"Like, are we friends, or..."

"Mmm, I think you're (Y/N), I'm Ichimatsu."

"Okay." What is with this guy, anyways? He's so mysterious.

"Move over," he commanded.

"Alright?" You moved to the right, allowing him to squeeze in next to you.


"I guess?"

"Good." He pulled the blanket over you.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure you don't kill yourself tonight," Ichimatsu stated plainly.

"Why? I'm not worth the trouble," you insisted. "You hardly know me."

"But you are, I can just tell. I guess even trash like me knows that."

"Don't you say that about yourself, I like you."

He just blinked sleepily. "Alright, goodnight."

"Goodnight." You turned the other way, feeling lighter. Like the weight had been lifted from your chest. When was the last time I felt this good?

"Oh, and...thank you, (Y/N)."


"Get up, get up! We gotta get a move on!" Someone yanked the cushions out from underneath you.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!"

"Piss off, Shittymatsu." Ichimatsu just buried his face deeper into your back. "Too early for this."

"But we need to get Jyushimatsu ready for his big date and stuff! Come and help us!" Karamatsu would not leave you alone.

"Shut up, painful guy." This shut him up, and he walked away, grumbling. "I see what you mean now."

"Mmm." Ichimatsu just pulled you closer with a contented sigh.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"You're warm," he answered.

"Oh...well, I guess we should get up. We have to help Jyushimatsu, after all!" You sat up, making him groan disappointedly. "Do you have clothes for him?"

"Indeed we do!" Osomatsu dragged you over with a grin. "We have a variety of outfits for you, dear brother!" Jyushimatsu just looked at him with that wide smile.

"I guess he could borrow these!" Karamatsu whipped out his leather jacket and sunglasses. "Just don't ruin them!"

"Um, he is not wearing that!" Choromatsu chucked them into the trash.

"Hey!" He dug them out again with a pout. "You could've just said no!"

"Maybe you could get him in a suit?" you suggested. "Wait, that might be too formal. A nice dress shirt and pants?"

"He'd look stupid in a suit." Todomatsu dragged the smiling sextuplet over. "Let's just see what we have for him. To the closet!"

In the end, you just put him in his normal outfit; blue shirt and gray pants. It would do.

"Now you go out there, and go get 'em!" Osomatsu slapped him on the back. "Go, brother of mine!" Jyushimatsu skipped out the door, that trademark grin on his face. "Yeah, we're totally following him."

"Alright, I'll come too." You opened the door, only to close it again. "It's raining really hard."

"That sucks. Umbrellas it is!" Todomatsu passed them out, each in their respected colors. "Oh, that was the last one. Sorry, (Y/N)."

"I'm fine, a little rain never hurt anyone." The six of you headed out, looking for the familiar bridge they often went to (not the one you tried to jump off of). "Cold..." You crossed your arms, shivering. Why did it have to rain? Wait, it stopped raining over you. What's going on?

"Here." You looked over to see Ichimatsu sharing his umbrella. Sharing his umbrella.

You blushed furiously. Is he flirting with me or just being nice? "Th-thank you, Ichi." Wow, this guy really was helpful. Saving you twice, apparently. You turned to him again, making observations. Sure, they all basically looked the same, but there was some differences. His hair was shaggier, and of course that look he always had on his face.

"Look, there they are!" Choromatsu pointed. "Hide behind this bush!"

"Don't boss me around, Fappymatsu!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Shh!" You peered out between the branches. "They're talking, I think he asked her." The girl looked taken aback, then ran off. "Oh no," you whispered as Jyushimatsu dropped the umbrella. "Poor guy." None of them responded.

Save Me - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Depressed!Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now