Smooth Move, Ichimatsu...

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"Hey guys, I'm ba-oomph!" Karamatsu landed flat on his back as Jyushimatsu tackled him.

"You and Chibita are so cute together!"

"You spied on us?! Well, I shouldn't be surprised." He rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle.

"When are you gonna kiss him?!"

"Slow down, little brother! We just had a first date, kind of! That sounds a little too quick, doesn't it?"

"They have a TV show in America where they pay people to marry strangers," you pointed out.

"Man, America is weird!"

"So, why Chibita? No offense."

"None taken. And w-well...we've known him since we were kids, (Y/N). And um, he said he thinks I'm cool, and he kidnapped me once because we didn't pay our debt, so when my rotten brothers," he shot them a sideways glance, "didn't come to save me, he felt sorry for me! He even tried to help me get revenge!"

"Yes, and it totally worked," Todomatsu sneered.

"So, when Ichimatsu was gone, he talked to me and let me vent about it. He's a good listener." Karamatsu blushed. "I guess we just hit it off. I mean, I'm not saying we'd do it again, I'm saying-"

"You're totally going to do it again~!" Osomatsu sang. "Karamatsu and Chibita sitting in a tree!"

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Todomatsu got in his face and made kissy noises. "FIRST COMES LOVE, THEN COMES-"

"ALRIGHT, I GET IT! SHUT UP!" Karamatsu crossed his arms with a pout. "Mind your own business."

"But it's funny!" you protested.

"Oh, is it now?" he smirked. "What if I asked if you and Ichimatsu are going to makeout anytime soon?"


"I'LL KILL YOU, SHITTYMATSU!" Ichimatsu looked about ready to punch him.

"What? It's a reasonable question. We all know you like her, even (Y/N) knows." He slowly looked over at you. "It's pretty obvious!"

"I think they should get a room, in my opinion," Osomatsu whispered. Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu giggled.


"Oh shit," Todomatsu whispered as your eyes widened.

"Ah, I see. That's fine, I understand." You tried not to show that you were hurt. "I mean, who could ever love m-me, anyways? Thanks for the clarification. Oh, your parents will be home soon, right? I-I think you could manage without me. It's getting late, I should leave."

"Wait, (Y/N), it's not safe out there. You can stay another night, at least!" Choromatsu pointed to the couch. "It's the least we can do!"

"Okay." You nodded, lying down. "Goodnight."

"Yeah." Karamatsu pulled all of them into their room. "Family meeting."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Osomatsu slapped Ichimatsu. "How dare you!"


"You never say that to anyone, let alone (Y/N)!" Todomatsu shoved him. "That was horrible!"

"Dick move."

"You're mean, nii-san!"

"What did I do?!" Ichimatsu backed up.

"You flat-out rejected her in front of all of us! And to make matters worse, you were lying!"

"Lying?! What are you-"

"Cut the crap, you have been head-over-heels in love with her since day one! She has too, and you crushed her!"


"Bullshit!" Choromatsu snapped. "You sleep on the couch with her, you walked her home, you've hugged and cuddled, I saw you kiss her, and you saved that locket!" He stomped his foot. "In your supposed last moment of your life, you used it for her!"

"But, I-"

"You're a dick. After everything she's done for you, you turn around and stab her in the back! She could've DIED saving you! Did you even thank her for that?!"

"Nii-san," Jyushimatsu began, "that was horrible!"

"You go apologize to her right now! Don't come back here until you do!" Osomatsu shoved Ichimatsu out, locking the door.

"Fuck," he muttered, going down the hall. "Like hell she likes me." A small sound made him pause, and he looked around curiously. "What was that?" It was almost a whisper. He walked into the main room.

"Stupid, stupid," you mumbled. "I was so sure."

"(Y...Y/N)?" You felt him tap your back, but you ignored it. "Um, I-"

"Go away," you mewled. "I wanna be alone."


"I said go away, Ichimatsu!" You let out a choked sob. "I don't want to hear it."

"Look, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"You still said it." You sat up with a sigh. "I mean, no one could love me. They'd have to have a reason to."

"Well, you're beautiful for one. And you're nice, smart, and funny. Are those enough reasons?" Ichimatsu fiddled with his hands.

"Mmhmm," you nodded with a smile. "Good enough for me."

"Good enough for me, too." He sat next to you. "Anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"Make it up to me? Who are you, and what did you do with the real Ichimatsu?" you teased, pinching his cheek.

"Geez, the second I'm nice to you people, you act like I killed someone!" He rubbed his cheek. "I haven't yet, anyways."

"I wouldn't expect anything less of you." You laid back down with a sigh. "I'm not leaving you guys tomorrow, I'll stay as long as I need to. Have a good night."

"Yeah, you too." Ichimatsu waited around the corner until you were asleep, then tiptoed back over. "Oh, (Y/N)." He brushed your hair out of your face. "Why can't I admit that I love you?"


"Man, I hate sleeping with you guys." Karamatsu peeled Choromatsu's arm off his head.

"But we love you, nii-san!" Jyushimatsu pulled him into a hug with his long arms. "Don't you love us?"

"Yeah, but I do not appreciate being kicked while I'm trying to sleep."

"Hey, Ichimatsu never came back last night." Osomatsu pointed to the empty spot. "Maybe (Y/N) killed him!"

"Good riddance," Todomatsu mumbled, "now keep it down."

"No, that would make the cats sad. Maybe she just kidnapped him!"

"Yay! One less brother!" They all jumped up with a cheer.

"No more tripping over cat toys!" The door flew open, revealing none other than Ichimatsu. They sighed in disappointment.

"Shut the hell up, you'll wake (Y/N)!"

"Sorry." They crawled back to bed.

"Thank you." The brothers quickly jumped up, peeking around the corner to watch. "Stupid brothers," he pressed a kiss to your forehead, "they should know better than that."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" Todomatsu squeaked. "I knew it!"

"Ha! I win!" Osomatsu slid some yen over to Karamatsu with a scowl. "This shall be fun!"

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