Christmas Special

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"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Jyushimatsu flopped his sleeves around. "I'M GONNA SEE SANTA THIS YEAR!"

"Sure you are." Karamatsu was wearing a green and red sweater so shiny that it could put a disco ball to shame. "Who wants presents?"

"ME ME ME ME ME ME!" Jyushimatsu tackled Ichimatsu. "MEMEMEMEMEMEME!"

"GET OFF!" he hissed.

"Ichimatsu!" Osomatsu pulled him off. "No! You can't treat the Jyushi like that!" Jyushimatsu pouted, tears leaking out of his eyes. "See?! You made him cry!"

"Bad Ichimatsu-niisan!" Todomatsu let out a huff. "No gift for you!"

"Hey now, that's hardly fair!" you butted in.

"What do you mean, 'no gift for me'?! You may very well wake up in Puerto Rico tomorrow if you don't shut up!"

"Oh yeah?! Well, (Y/N) wouldn't let you! She likes me too much!"

"Girls, settle down," you sighed.

"Who are you calling a girl?! Totty's the girl here!" Todomatsu just hissed in response.

"Guys, it's Christmas! Settle down!" They stopped, staring at you.

"Fine." Karamatsu slowly got off of Choromatsu. "Let's just get to the gifts. (Y/N), we do it a little differently around here. We pass them around in a circle, and we each get a random one. Understand?"

"Yeah, I got it." You sat in the circle, passing along the gifts. You cringed as they kept repeating the word 'die'. But hey, you were starting to get used to their bizarre behavior. Kind of.

"God...oh, God..." Ichimatsu murmured. He was holding one wrapped in blue and gold sparkly paper, so it was Karamatsu's. "Keep passing."

"Aren't you guys being a little melodramatic?"

"No, keep going." You sighed, passing the green package to Osomatsu. "Alright, stop! I think this is good."

"Finally." All of you tore the wrapping paper, and they all looked shocked. You opened your red one in confusion, only to blush profusely. "What the hell?"

"Oh my gosh!" Osomatsu covered his mouth. "This is so awesome!"

"The hell is wrong with you guys?!" You stared at the adult magazine in horror. "Why on Earth-" You froze, seeing all of them with the same thing. "Okay, this is crazy."

"I think I got your present," Choromatsu sighed, holding up a golden locket. "It looks expensive."

You picked up the magazine, turning to a random page out curiosity. "OH MY GOD!" You threw it as far away as possible. "THAT HAD NAKED LESBIANS IN IT!"

"Nii-san, what the fuck?!" Todomatsu smacked him upside the head.

"I'll-I'll trade you," Choromatsu stuttered.

"Deal." You quickly exchanged items, scooting over. "Who...who got me this?"

"Well, judging by this," he waved the purple wrapping paper, "I have a pretty good guess."

"Where did he get the money for that?!" Karamatsu stuttered. Ichimatsu just smirked and made a twisting motion with his hand. "You bastard!"

"Wow..." You held it up, the light reflecting off of it. "It's so beautiful."

"Open it, stupid."

You rolled your eyes and did so. "What is-" You dropped the locket. "Oh my..." You shakily picked it up again.

"I wanna see!" Jyushimatsu popped up behind your shoulder. "Aaw, pictures of Ichimatsu nii-san and (Y/N)-chan!"

"No way!" Osomatsu snatched it up, chuckling. "Well I'll be darned!"

"THAT'S SO CUTE!" Todomatsu fangirled.

"I told you so," Karamatsu mouthed to you. Ichimatsu had retreated into his corner, staring at the wall. You slowly knelt down next to him.

"Um, I...thank you."

"Yeah." He glanced up slowly. "Do you still have it?"

"Right here." You showed it to him.

"Great." He took it, making you tilt your head in confusion.

"What are you doing?" Ichimatsu put the locket around your neck, closing the clasp with a small click. "I-I...thank you." You turned back around, embracing him tightly. "I love it." He awkwardly wrapped his arms around your waist to return the hug.

"AHAHAHAHA!" Osomatsu pointed up at the ceiling above your heads. "I got a little present for the both of you!"

"Huh?" You looked up, only to fall over in shock. Mistletoe.

"Ooh, way to play dirty!" Karamatsu gave him a high-five.

"What...why did...?" You saw Ichimatsu's eyes widen, then he pulled up the hood on his hoodie and hid his face.

"That's mean, nii-san!" Todomatsu barked through his giggles. "You're terrible!"

"I ship it," Choromatsu muttered, then went back to his magazine.

"That's sneaky. I should've noticed it before." You shook your head, touching the locket. "I guess I'm as stupid as the rest of you."


"Just kidding, I love you all." Ichimatsu sighed in defeat, re-emerging from his hoodie.

"Do it, do it!" Osomatsu chanted.

"Kiss, kiss, fall in love!" Jyushimatsu sang.

"Uh..." You glanced at the purple Matsu, who was debating whether or not to hide again. "Oh, screw it." You pecked his cheek really quickly before running off.

"Whoah, she actually did it. I'm so proud," Karamatsu giggled. Ichimatsu looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"Aaw, he's all blushy!" Todomatsu took a few pictures to put on tumblr.

"Uh..." He slowly put a hand up to his cheek with wide eyes. "That did not just happen."

"I think it did! You're so lucky!"

"Mmm." Choromatsu didn't look up.

"Are you looking at lesbian stuff?!" Karamatsu squawked.

"N-no!" He threw it off to the side, trying to conceal his nosebleed.

"Anyways, what are you going to do now?" Osomatsu kept chuckling softly.

"I don't know," Ichimatsu slumped back. "I have no idea."

"You aren't gonna hurt her, are you?" Jyushimatsu hopped in front of him. "Don't you like her too?"

"I would never love someone like her. Goodnight." He faced the wall again, leaving his brothers to go to bed with somber expressions. "Maybe if I keep telling myself that, it'll become true."

"What will become true?" You came back into the room with a confused look.


"Okay." You rolled onto the couch as you had many times, closing your eyes. "You better go to bed."

"Yeah." He walked over to you, looking a little unsure of himself. "So...yeah. M-Merry Christmas, (Y/N)." He kissed your nose and ran off in about three seconds maximum.

You sat up straight, watching the hallway. "Hmm..Merry Christmas, Ichimatsu." You fell asleep with a small smile on your face.



"Eh?!" You fell onto the floor after hearing Karamatsu yell. "What is it this time?"


"ALRIGHT, I'M COMING!" You let out a huff. What a rude awakening! "This better be good, you-WHAT?!"

"I told you so, I told you so!" Jyushimatsu grinned, pointing at a bound Santa Clause and reindeer. "Tada!"

"Jyushi, I don't..." You just facepalmed with a sigh. "I'm going back to bed."

Save Me - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Depressed!Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now