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"I like your oden."

"Hey, thanks! It's going to be the best in the world!" Chibita made a few more bowls. "Who's the girl? She's too pretty to be hanging around you guys."

"Excuse me, this lovely lady happens to be our friend," Osomatsu explained.

"Too pretty?" you muttered. Everyone seemed to be ignoring Jyushimatsu, who stared at the counter with a forlorn expression. The other brothers didn't notice, and started getting a little tipsy.

"You want a drink too?" Chibita asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea, but thank you." A wailing sound came from the right, and you spun around to see Jyushimatsu sobbing into the counter. "Jyushimatsu..." You jumped up, embracing him tightly. "It's going to be okay."

No one noticed the tiniest hint of jealousy on Ichimatsu's face.


"I hope everything goes alright with him," you remarked, hanging upside down off the couch. "To think about what that poor girl was going through, it's terrible."

"Not to be rude, (Y/N), but can you relate to her?" Todomatsu asked.

"Yes, I can. I mean, she might've felt that way for a different reason than I did." And still do. Good thing I didn't spill the secret.

"Oh, guys! Mom's coming home tonight!"

"Woohoo!" they cheered.

"Oh dear, I've definitely overstayed my visit. I can go home." You stood up to leave, only for Choromatsu to grab your arm.

"Can you at least stay for dinner? Mom's an amazing cook!"

"Oh, why not?" You sat back down as the door opened, revealing Jyushimatsu and a middle-aged woman.

"Hello, my little NEETs! Who is this?"

"Um...I'm (Y/N) (L/N), a friend of your sons." You suddenly felt shy and intimidated, even though the woman was shorter than you and seemed kind.

"Oh, how wonderful! You must stay for dinner!" You barely nodded, a knot forming in your stomach. What if she didn't like you?

"Mom's pretty awesome," Osomatsu told you as if he had read your thoughts, "so no worries!"

"Okay," you whispered.

"Did someone say dinner?!" Jyushimatsu grabbed your shoulders, making you shriek. "I want dinner!"

"What?" You tilted your head in confusion. He's back to normal? What goes on in that head of his?

"Muscle, muscle! Hustle, hustle!" He sat down at the table eagerly with everyone else. You sat down, only for Ichimatsu to sit next to you.


"H-hey?" you stammered. "Are you doing alright?"

"Yes. You?" You shook your head. "Oh."

"Who's hungry?"

They all started shouting, "me, me, me!"

"I am." You tried to stay polite.

"So Miss (Y/N)," Mrs. Matsuno began, "you met my sons recently?"

"Oh yes, I have." You took a bite of your curry.

"Have you taken a specific liking to any of them?"

"Well," you looked down at your lap, "they're all so nice, but...I met Ichi first." He gave you a surprised look.

"I see. Should I be expecting grandchildren anytime soon?" she asked calmly.

Your jaw hit the floor, and Ichimatsu choked on his food. "Wh-wha?!" you got out. "Um...oh no, Ichimatsu!" You whacked him on the back to get him breathing again. "Are you alright?" He gave a tiny nod.

"Oh my god!" Osomatsu burst into hysterical laughter. "That was the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life!"

"Yeah, it kind of was." The rest of them giggled.

"Do you take enjoyment from our pain?" you coughed once, having choked on your drink as well.

"No, but I think Ichimatsu takes enjoyment from pain." Karamatsu whipped out his shades. "Wink wink."

Again, the fourth eldest brother choked. You didn't even bother saving him this time, you were a little stunned by what you heard. "Um...okay then? Ah, I really like your food, Mrs. Matsuno."

"Why thank you! You boys are lucky to know such a polite young woman!" Little did they know you were screaming internally.

"Thank you for dinner," you whispered, feeling sick. You ran out the door before anyone could stop you.

"I hope she's alright." Mrs. Matsuno took your plate to the kitchen.

"One of us should go after her," Todomatsu suggested.

"Not it!" five of them shouted.

"Ooh, it's Ichimatsu!" Karamatsu whipped his shades out. "She seems to like you!"

"Yeah, right." Ichimatsu flipped him off. "Shittymatsu."

"Well, at least it stopped raining." You shivered a bit as the December wind whipped your hair back. "Maybe it's a good thing Ichimatsu stopped me from jumping after all."

"Probably," a familiar voice interrupted you.

"What are you doing here?"

"Walking you home, I guess."

You just nodded in response. "I actually live in that apartment building, it isn't far from your house." You saw the red building in the distance. "I live alone, obviously. I bet my boss is going to kill me for not showing up."

"You have a job?" he asked.

"Yeah, I need to pay rent somehow. I'm just a waitress, if I haven't been fired already." The thought of losing your job shook you to the core.

"You're doing better than we are."

"Heh, yeah. About what happened-"

"Tell you what," Ichimatsu stopped you, "if you don't kill yourself, I won't kill myself. Deal?"

"Fair enough," you quoted him from earlier. "Ah, this is the place."

"Nice. Well...goodnight, I guess."

"Thank you, have a good night as well." As you opened the door, a pang of sadness went through you. "W-wait."

"Hmm?" He turned around.

"Can I come over tomorrow, maybe?" You tried not to sound too hopeful.

"Yeah, you can. See you tomorrow."

"See you." You shut the door behind you and ran upstairs to your apartment. After unlocking it, you faceplanted onto your bed and screamed. "He knows I like him! What now?!"

Save Me - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Depressed!Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now