Unwanted Affection

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Trigger warning: Drunken character trying to force themselves on another character.

"Hey, I brought the-" You cut yourself off, dropping the groceries. "Er...what are you doing, Ichimatsu?" He was wearing Karamatsu's leather jacket and shades, in the middle of taking a selfie.

"Huh?" You saw the panic in his eyes. "Hello, (Y/N)." He snapped his fingers and made a motion like he was shooting a gun. "Did you mix the cool me up with your odd boyfriend? Tch, you must like me after all."

"You are my odd boyfriend. I'm not an idiot, you know." You crossed your arms with an amused look. "Not a bad impression, though."

"What?! What are you talking about?!" Ichimatsu dropped the shades. "I'm Karamatsu!"

"Cut the crap, I know my own boyfriend better than anybody. Your hair is messy, your voice is different, you look pretty guilty, and Karamatsu is right there." You pointed at his brother sleeping on the couch.

"Dammit!" He crossed his arms, blushing. "This never happened!"

"Why are you dressed like that, anyways?" you laughed.

"I-I just wanted to try them at least once!" he stuttered. "Th-they actually look kind of cool! Uh, and maybe I thought I'd look a little cool, too!"

"You're silly." You poked his nose. "Is this your way of impressing me? How cute."


"I like you for the way you are, Ichi. Not to say you don't look nice right now." You smiled softly.

"Well, well," Ichimatsu smirked, "are you saying you think I look hot? Sexy, even?"

"Hey, don't try to act cool, it's weird!"

"Is it really? Or do you like it, (Y/N)?" He backed you against the wall, a predatory glint in his eye.

"Ichimatsu?!" you squeaked. "What are-"

"Huh?" Karamatsu rubbed his eyes, sitting up on the sofa. "What's going on?" He made eye contact with the both of you, and his jaw dropped. "What."

"You tell anyone and you're dead!" Ichimatsu grabbed him by the collar of his tank top as you fought the blush off your face.

"Just change, you weirdo!" You threw them the clothes, only for them to get tangled in them. "Dammit!"

"Hey, guys!" Osomatsu pranced through the door. "I was just..." He slowly trailed off as you tried not to laugh. Ichimatsu was down on his knees, and Karamatsu kneeled right behind him. "Sorry, my bad." Osomatsu turned to leave.

"Wait, it's not what you think!" Karamatsu held the door open. "Listen-"


"It's not like that!" he cried.

"Just stop, nii-san," Ichimatsu groaned.

"Boys," you began, "that was the funniest and most horrific thing I've seen in my entire life."

"SHUT UP!" Ichimatsu threw his hoodie at you.




"Your boyfriend was screwing my brother," Osomatsu said evenly. Karamatsu and Ichimatsu choked as Chibita dropped the ladle.

"The hell?!"

"TH-THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!" Karamatsu broke his fourth pair of sunglasses that month in his fist. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST-"

"Wait, Kara would top him?!" Todomatsu sat up straight. "That goes against my headcanon completely!"

"Don't make headcanons about us!"

"Does (Y/N) know that her boyfriend is an incestuous freak?!" Choromatsu nearly fainted. "KaraIchi?!"

"Maybe she's in on it too!" Jyushimatsu rubbed his chin. "So I might've been right about polygamy?"

"Maybe, maybe. Good idea!" Osomatsu patted his head. "Good Jyushi!"

"WILL YOU STOP IT?! WE WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING AND THAT'S THAT! HMPH!" Ichimatsu turned away with a pout. "Screw it, I need a drink."

"Yeah, five more for us!" Todomatsu cheered.

"Oh god," you whispered. "None for me, please. Someone has to drag the six babies home, right?"

"I see your point, idjit." Chibita slid six beers across the counter. "I'm so sorry."

"Me too."

For your reference: Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu are the giggly drunks, Choromatsu is more of a sad drunk, and Karamatsu and Ichimatsu are the sleazy drunks. Lucky you.

"Alright idiots, let's go."

"But (Y/N), we can't pay without money!" Osomatsu whined.

"I paid for you, now come on." You tried to lead them in a single file line, but they kept bumping into each other. "Guys, work with me here."

"Come on, (Y/N)." Karamatsu put his broken shades on his nose. "We're cool."

"The coolest," Jyushimatsu nodded.

Ichimatsu grabbed your arm. "What are we gonna do after we get home?"

"We're going to bed."

"Aw, but we didn't get to finish what we started earlier!" he whined.

"You were gonna have sex?!" Osomatsu staggered over. "And you didn't invite me?!"

"Damn right I didn't invite you."

"Are we home yet, (Y/N)? I'm getting kind of tired." Choromatsu tugged on your sleeve. "Is it far?"

"No, that's the doorknob." You rolled your eyes.

He paused, fumbling with it for a bit. "I think it's broken."

"Locked." You turned the key, and they all tried to get inside at once.

"This could've gone better," Karamatsu groaned from underneath the pile. "That hurt."

"Alright, off to bed. Chop chop, go on." You shooed them into their room with a sigh. "It really is like babysitting."

"Oh (Y/N),~" Ichimatsu cooed, "I've been waiting for you."

"Please go to bed, I don't have time for this." You flopped onto their sofa. "Just sleep."

"But I don't want sleep, I want you." He jumped on top of you with a lazy smile. "Don't you want me?"

"Define 'want'." You tried to wiggle out from underneath him. "Go sleep this off, okay?"

"Don't you love me, (Y/N)? I love you."

"Of course I love you." You hugged him. "But I'll love you even more if you just go to sleep."

"I want to show you how much I love you, though. I can do that, just give me a chance to prove it. I can make you feel good, no, amazing..." Ichimatsu slowly trailed his hand down your arm.

"Y-you don't have to prove anything!" you stuttered. "I-I already know you love me very much!"

"I still want to, though. Will you let me?" He gazed at you with half-lidded eyes, wearing a catlike grin and licking his lips.

"N-no, I can't!" You shoved him onto the floor roughly. "I'm not ready for that! Just go away, go to bed!" You drew your legs up to your chest. "Go away!"

"Hmph, fine. But (Y/N), just know that my offer still stands. Come to me anytime." As he walked away, you curled into a ball, sobbing.

You didn't sleep that night.

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