Chapter 8 Jeongin

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         I saw Chan sitting on the living room sofa, absorbed in watching something on it. 'Didn't I tell him to have dinner? This guy seriously...' I walked up to him from behind and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Chan," I called out.

The next moment, he pulled my hand so that I was laying on the sofa and in no time he was on top of me trapping me in his arms on either side.


"Bl-Blood..." He mumbled with his head hanging down and his hair slightly touching my face.

His breath that I could hear, was unsteady and I could see little droplets of sweat running down his jaw.

"Blood?" I questioned.

"It hurts... It hurts so bad..." Chan whispered in a low pained voice.

'He's hurt? But he seemed alright just now, and I don't see a wound on his arms or face. Regardless, it must be bad since he looks so pained.'

"Where? Can you tell me?" I asked trying to keep my calm.

He took my hand from my side and placed it gently on his chest still refusing to show me his expression.

"Here," Chan said again in a low voice.

       I couldn't feel a wound there but since he said it hurt, it could've been something internal. Instead, I could feel his heart beating incredibly fast but his body was cold as usual. I was getting worried about seeing him in a bad shape.

"O-Okay, I'll do something about it. Calm do-" I was cut off by Chan losing strength in his arms and collapsing on top of me.

"Chan?!" I shook his shoulder but he was passed out.

        I felt my heart pace elevate as he was now basically lying on top of me but I brushed it off. I somehow slipped out from under him and dragged him inside a room with the help of one of the house staff. I took his slippers off and as I was about to tuck him in covers, I noticed multiple small bruises on his feet. I frowned and slightly moved the cloth of his pant's hem to take a better look at it.

'Is this what he meant when he said 'blood'?' I thought.

I quickly rushed to the bedside table and took out a bandage and disinfectant. I gently started treating his wounds which looked like they bled a little.

"How did you get this in the first place?" I mumbled to myself.

       That's when something suddenly popped up inside my head. I quickly ran towards the laundry room across the living room and flung the door open before looking around for a certain pile of clothes. I looked through bundles of clothes for the ones Chan wore yesterday. I found them near a corner of the room away from other clothes.

       I picked up the pants and looked at the ends. As I expected, there were broken thorns stuck on it along with some dirt. My eyes widened as wide as they could. When I was back to thinking straight, I put the pants aside and hesitantly lifted up the shirt. I didn't want to do it but I slowly brought it to my nose and sniffed it once.

     That was it. That scent. Very faint, but I knew it was the same scent that I smelled in the backyard and in my room last night. The thorns from rose bushes, the little bruises on his feet and this scent... It all told me who the person was.

'But why?'


        Obviously enough, I wasn't able to sleep until late that night. But when I woke up I was even more confused. It was because when I came outside my room, Chan was up standing in front of the front door with a little kid who was hugging his lower thigh. He was talking to someone who stood outside the door.

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