Chapter 12 Dawn

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"You don't know how strong this urge is, I could just drain all the blood in you with a single bite on your neck..." He mumbled getting his face closer to my nape.

"I could just dig my fangs into that skin... and... *gulp*"

 I could hear his breathing and feel the cold gust of air on my neck.

     He was in such a state, no one would ever imagine that he'd be. His hair brushed my cheek as he bent further almost centimetres far from my neck. He opened his mouth revealing his long knife-like teeth.

"I can't do it... I can't do this to you..." He said barely above a whisper.

     Although he said that, he didn't move away. He stayed there on top of me hanging his head near my shoulder. He loosened his grip on my wrist and I pulled it out of his hand. I placed my hand on the back of his head and made him lean closer back to my neck.

"Do it," I said.

"What?" Chan asked.

"I knew it. That smell, the trampled rose bushes, the wounds on your feet, you being cold to touch all the time, it all adds up. On top of that, I saw you... 'transform' when you were standing outside that night." I said.

          It was his turn to be surprised now. He turned his head and looked at me with disbelief showing in his glowing red eyes, maybe because I had already concluded that he was a vampire or perhaps by the fact that I didn't look as shocked and scared as he had expected me to.

         He looked debating for a while. He moved away from me and sat on the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands. I got up and sat next to him before placing a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch again. He moved his hands away from his face but refused to look at me.

"I've known about this for quite a while now," I said.

"And you still decided to stay with me? Are you dumb?" He asked.

I smiled at his words before replying.

"Maybe, but at least you're not alone anymore," I said.

      I could make out that he clenched his jaw in an attempt to stop himself from feeling too emotional. He was still shaking and it was clear he was thirsty but I could say he was trying not to show it.

"If you're that hungry then just drink my blood," I said.

 He shot his eyes at me.

"Wh-" He was cut off by me before he could say anything.

"I know it will hurt me but I trust you... that's why I'm okay with it," I said.

"That's not what it is! What if I lose control and... Why don't you understand? I could kill you!" He said.

"You didn't kill that guy last time even though you weren't in your right mind. You're pretty controlled now, you won't kill me," I said.

There was a pause.

"You can't be serious..." He muttered.

"I am," I replied.

He stayed still, hesitating.

"Do it before it's too late, Chan," I said.

    He bit his lip before looking at my neck. He hesitantly came closer and leaned in close to my exposed neck while holding my shoulders with his icy hands.

"I'm sorry," He whispered.

         He slowly dug his knife-like fangs through my skin, deep into my flesh. I suppressed a wince as I felt the fresh wound burn but tried not to make it clear. I could feel my blood getting drained slowly as he drank it. Not long after that, I had to admit, I felt a little light-headed but I couldn't make him realise that. 

Bloodlust ∵🖤∴[Vampire Bang Chan x reader]🩸Where stories live. Discover now