Chapter 20 Wandering Eyes

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      Without thinking further, I slowly moved closer to his face placing my hand on the back of his neck until a soft touch of his lips had met mine. I felt his red eyes on me, still open. I broke the kiss a second later. Just looking intently into his eyes.

     I didn't know what came over Chan at that moment but he pulled me into another kiss. Only this time it was much more passionate yet gentle. His cold breath tickling my face every time he moved and his hand caressing my shoulder.

There was no need for words, all the emotions were being delivered from each other through that touch. I could feel his sharp teeth hitting my lip but he was careful about it.

Unknowingly, I placed my hand on Chan's back which made him flinch and break the kiss. I frowned and looked at my hand that was covered in his blood.

"Chan you're bleeding!" I said worriedly.

"I'm fine." He said and turned to the steering wheel.

"No, we have to go to the hospital and get it treated," I said.

"It'll heal in a few hours, you don't have to worry about that," Chan said starting the car.

"But-" I was cut off by him.

"How about you? Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked.

"I'm alright," I said.

"Then, I'll drive us home," Chan said and pulled out of the parking lot.

      The drive home was awkwardly silent since none of us spoke a word after that. My head was a mess to the point where the only thing I wanted to do was get some sleep. So for most of the way I fell asleep.

      I opened my eyes to the car stopping in front of the entrance of the house. Chan unlocked the door and my seatbelt. I opened the door and got out of the car followed by Chan. I walked in and upstairs to my room. I decided to take a bath and changed into my pyjamas. When I was done, I wasn't sleepy anymore.

I looked at myself in the mirror and inspected the bite mark on my neck. It hurt really bad. So I put a patch on it and walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a first aid box.

      I went to Chan's room and was about to knock on the door when I realised it was open and Chan was talking to someone on his phone. He hadn't changed his clothes yet. He turned around and I saw a huge wound on his back with his white shirt torn and drenched in blood.

When he hung up I knocked on the door. He looked at me and I entered the room. His red eyes hadn't disappeared yet and his fangs were still long and pointy.

"Even if it will heal, you still have to disinfect it," I said.

"Fine," Chan said after a sigh.

I walked closer to him and sat on the bed opening the first aid box and taking out the antiseptic. I poured it on some cotton and looked at him.

"Do you mind taking off your shirt?" I asked.

      He shook his head and took off his bloodstained shirt. He sat down on the bed beside me facing his back towards me. I inspected the wound which was a scratch on the right side of his back.

He wasn't bleeding now since the blood had coagulated already. I gently patted the cotton ball on his back earning no reaction from him.

"Does it not hurt?" I asked.

"Not much." He replied.

A few minutes passed and I was done treating his wound.

"I'm done," I said.

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