Chapter 18 Sweet Poison

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Minho's POV-

"Mr Han. The famous business tycoon." I stated.

"*sigh* This is going to be big huh." Juyeon sighed.

"And that's why it's going to be fun. Let's go." I said and stood up.

"What? where to?" He asked confused.

I stuffed my bag with all the belongings and kept it aside.

"To that farmhouse. Where else do you think I'd go? Your boring dinner date?" I asked as I put on my jacket and grabbed my ID before putting it in my pocket.

"Are you crazy?! It's 10 pm! And besides, do you even have the search warrant?" Juyeon questioned.

"Who cares? The place is abandoned, anyone could enter. Don't tell me you're scared of ghosts." I asked.

"What? No! Don't you think getting involved with big businessmen is kinda scary?" He asked.

"Nope. Now let's go." I took his hand and started dragging him out of the office.

"Hey!" He resisted but I still took him into the plan.


"You're gonna get us fired," Juyeon whispered.

"It's good to experience such things from time to time," I whispered.

"What? Hey!"

       I proceeded to sneak towards the entrance gate without listening to him. Juyeon quickly caught up behind me. The place was dark and the cold made it worse. The sound of cicadas came from everywhere in the tall grass.

      I glanced across the large area covered in trees and shrubs. There was nothing much I could make out from the dark but I could see a building in the middle of it.

"I hope we don't get caught," Juyeon said taking out his phone and switching on the flashlight.

"I hope the big businessman's ghost isn't that scary," I said with a smirk.

"Shut up! I'm not scared of ghosts." He protested.

"Anyway, do you see that building? I think that is it." Juyeon said.

I nodded.

       We walked on the long barren pathway among the grass that led to the building. And somehow it got quieter and quieter the closer we got to the house. We thoroughly checked the outside surroundings of the building and met back at the front door. It was a 2 storeyed modern house with a pool in the backyard which was currently dried out.

I tried to turn the knob of the front door but it was locked.

"It's locked," I said turning around to Juyeon.

"From the inside." He whispered.

I frowned and peeped into the keyhole. I moved back and nodded.

"Someone's in here," I whispered back to him.

"Should we-" Juyeon was cut off by me.

"Get in through the window," I said.

"What? Wouldn't that be breaking into someone's house?" He asked.

"Whoever's in there, they're not supposed to be here either. And it might also be the one we're looking for." I said.

"And what if it's his son? Or any other family member? You know we could get into a lot of trouble if we do this." Juyeon warned.

I bit my lip and gave his words a thought. He wasn't wrong. If the person who's inside is not the one I was anticipating everything could go wrong. 'Mr. Han's son... If he's around here, it definitely makes him look suspicious, but he could put us into a difficult position too.' I thought.

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