Chapter 9 Truth

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Chan's POV-

         I closed the door after I came to my room and slumped down behind the door. I felt all of my strength leave my body. I felt pathetic, I wanted to scream and run away from all this. I wanted to go far, far away from this painful life. It hurt like hell whenever I was around people. All I could think about was biting their skin and drinking the warm, red liquid.

        I hated that feeling, I felt like a useless bloodsucking monster. I clenched my fist and banged it on the floor to fight the feeling. It was getting harder and harder for me to keep myself sane. I grabbed my neck that was throbbing from pain. I grunted as I was getting choked.

"*gasp*" I gasped and looked outside the window.

"I ha- have to go... t-to drink..." I mumbled before I was overcome by dizziness.


I was sitting on the edge of the bed on which Jeongin was laying.

"Why is Uncle Chan always like that around you, auntie?" He asked in a low voice.

"Jeongin, you should sleep now okay? It's already 12." I said.

"But it's the first time I ever saw Uncle Chan being cold to someone like that. He's always so nice." Jeongin said.

'He noticed.' I sighed.

"I probably ruined his image for you." I said turning to look at him on the bed.

"No, I still think Uncle Chan is the coolest. But I know everyone has times like that." He said.

"Hehe, You sound a little too mature," I said after a giggle.

"It's because mommy has bad days too so I understand everyone gets like that once in a while," Jeongin said hugging his plushie.

"Don't worry, it's gonna be okay. Your Uncle just needs some time to himself and he'll be fine." I said.

      Jeongin nodded and extended his hand to hold mine on the blanket. I looked up at him confused as to why he would suddenly want to hold my hand.

"Uncle Hyunjin always holds my hand when I sleep so that I don't have nightmares." He said.

       I smiled at him and held his hand in mine seating myself properly on the bed beside his sleeping form, not knowing when I drifted off to sleep resting my head on the backrest of the bed. I guess I felt good holding his little hand in mine too.


        After an hour or so, I woke up and came back to my own room. I pulled the blanket closer to me as the cold wind blew in through the window. I stared at the full moon that poured its light into the room. My mind was full of thoughts, keeping me awake for so long. I let out a sigh. My mind was a mess. 'I was a fool for thinking an arranged marriage could also be nice and successful.' I thought.

       I sighed again and turned to my right side, facing the window completely. That's when I noticed someone standing outside on the lawn. I frowned and sat up in my bed. The figure just stood there staring off into the sky. I got off the bed and walked towards the window. I couldn't quite make out who it was since they were facing their back to the window and my room was on the first floor.

        Before I could do anything, the person turned around and started to walk towards the entrance of the mansion. I took a look at who it was now and saw that it was Chan. But my confusion only increased when I saw his face. He had red, glowing eyes that stood out. He walked into the house through the entrance so I couldn't see him anymore.

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