Chapter 17 Trapped

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"You can have it," Chan said.

"Huh? But you bought it." I said.

"For you." He said.

"But why?" I asked.

"I've never given you anything... only taken, that's why," Chan said smiling.

"It's beautiful, thank you." I smiled back.

     He turned his gaze to the view in front of us as I took a moment to look at him. His eyes reflected the little lights like stars in the galaxy. His expression was finally relaxed.

"Chan," I called.

"Hm?" He turned to me.

"Don't call yourself a monster. You're not one." I said.

He lightly scoffed and looked down.

"What do I call myself then?" He mumbled.

"Stray," I said.

Chan turned his head to look at me.

"Right now you might not be a human or a vampire, so I think you're just strayed from either of those," I said.

He looked taken aback for a moment before he smiled and gave a little nod.

"At least I have someone who deceives me into thinking that." He said.

"Chan I... I have to tell you something." I said looking down.

"Hm? What is it?" He asked.

"I uh- A few days ago I called my brother and... I know I shouldn't have done it but, I told him that I didn't want to stay with you anymore because I thought you hated me and that it was probably for the best if I went back home but, of course, it was before I knew about you being a vampire. I wouldn't have-" I was cut off by Chan turning to the railing and grabbing it.

"I'm really sorry..." I said concerned.

"Why are you apologizing? It should be me..." Chan said.

"Bu-" I swallowed my words as I heard him sigh.

"You're right, it's for the best," Chan said looking at me.

"What?" I breathed out.

"You should go back to your parent's house." He said turning his attention back to the river.

"You don't have to deal with my problems, you don't have to be living in danger, you don't have to sacrifice your happy life for me..." Chan said.

'Why? Why not? Do you not want me here? You said you did. Then why is it easy for you to just...' My thoughts jumbled up like a puzzle.

"Just forget about this marriage and me and live every day like you used to. Leave me in this dump alone Y/N. I can talk with my parents and we don't even have to terminate the deal. Once it ends, we can have a di-" It was Chan who was cut off by me this time.

"NO!" I yelled.

      Chan turned his head to me utterly confused by the sudden rise of my voice. But I couldn't look at him so I hung my head.

"You said you wanted me to stay right? Then..." I paused.

"Then why is it easy for you to give up?" I managed to choke out with an aching throat.

     Chan looked at me with a sorry expression but didn't say anything. A few minutes passed in an awkwardly silent air between us. Which was replaced by the crowd and other noises. I stayed in the same position hanging my head.

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