Epilogue Part 2

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"Chan... you'll be okay right?" I mumbled as I caressed his forehead resting on my lap.

      After escaping the mansion I looked for a mode to get back home with Chan. That was when I came across a man with a black van who said that he could give us a lift home. So here I was, in his van with Chan laying next to me travelling back home.

      I couldn't afford to doubt him because Chan was in a pretty bad condition. I couldn't even take him to a hospital in his vampire state, so the only option was to get him home and hope that his wounds heal naturally as he said. I didn't know how to feel, he was a complete Vampire now which means he was immortal. 'But that is... if he... survives tonight.'

      After what felt like ages, the car finally stopped in front of our house. I thanked the man and he helped me get Chan out of the car. After he left, I struggled to get him inside. I was getting tired and Chan was heavy to be carried by just me. Still, I managed to get him inside the house as I dragged his body on the white marble. Leaving red trails of blood from his body, it was a horrifying scene to witness.

      And somewhere across the living room, my arms gave up and I collapsed down panting heavily. I had lost too much blood previously and could hold on for only some time. Chan was now laying next to me, completely still, almost to the point where I could get desperate trying to wake him up but, I couldn't. My body wouldn't move anymore, I was numb all over.

"Chan..." I moved my hand and managed to rest it on his back.

      His face looked even paler, mouth agape leaving his bare fangs open to the sight. Chan looked like he was in a deep sleep, dreaming something from which he didn't want to be woken up. Perhaps, he actually was somewhere better than this.

"Take me... where you are..." I whispered.

"To your... home..."

     I could feel a tear roll down from my eye, yet the smile from looking at Chan's face never faded. 'Were we just tragic? Would things have been different in some other universe? Can we never have... a future together?' With thoughts ringing in my head, my consciousness slowly faded.


Chan POV-

'I was never myself.

     Spinning inside this asylum where I found myself at the bottom. This lifeless pit, dishonest faces covered with a mask of perfection and the pain from buying the happiness I could never afford otherwise. It was all like the chill of winter without someone to wrap me in warmth. Someone to hold close, sit in front of a lively fire and sip a warm beverage.

      Instead, there was cold. Shrilling voices in the winds, cold that hurt like being stabbed with thousands of needles, blood-curling and brain-numbing cold. Being squeezed up in this shaking nightmare, made me feel like my bones could shatter yet the chills would never stop. Never. Never until...

"Do you have someone you like?" A voice echoed.

Do I? I thought.

What did I say back then?

I must have said that I don't...

But that's not true anymore...

I do... like someone...


Never mind it'll only hurt her.

And I'm leaving anyway, I don't want to bear this pain anymore...

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