Chapter 13 Trust

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        I came downstairs again after changing my clothes and sat at the breakfast table. Felix and Jeongin were already up and had their breakfast because I woke up quite late. They were sitting on the sofa in the living room and playing video games together on Chan's laptop.

       I grabbed the toast and put it in my mouth and realised I should have had some juice. So I got up and walked to the refrigerator with the toast still hanging in my mouth. I opened the door and grabbed the juice carton. As soon as I closed the refrigerator, a loud bang came from Chan's room.

      I jumped as the door was thrown open and Chan came out of his room. He was breathing heavily when he entered the living room. Felix and Jeongin looked at him in shock.

"Chan, a-are you alright?" Felix asked.

"Y/N, where is she?!" Chan asked Felix.

       Felix quickly pointed towards the kitchen where I was standing dumbfounded. Chan fast-walked towards me and I gulped a lump in my throat. He grabbed me by my shoulders and looked at me closely.

"Are you alive?" He asked.

"Whff-" I realised I still had a slice of bread hanging down my mouth.

I pulled it out and let out a breath. I looked back at him and spoke-

"Of course I'm alive," I said.

"A-Are you feeling alright? You passed out..." Chan said concerned.

"*gasp*" Felix gasped and covered Jeongin's ears while Jeongin looked at us in confusion.

'Oh God, not in front of them...' I thought as I mentally facepalmed.

"Chan, I'm fine. You don't have to worry, okay?" I said.

"But you need to rest! You can't just walk around-" Chan was cut off by me grabbing his arm and pulling him back towards his room.

      I closed the door behind me and let go of his hand as I turned to him. I heaved a deep breath to calm the both of us and opened my mouth to speak.

"Bang Christopher Chan, I'm completely fine. You don't have to worry about anything." I said in a calm voice.

"How can't I? I tried to control myself to not turn into the monster... and yet..." Chan walked to the closed door and slumped down hanging his head low.

"When you passed out yesterday, I couldn't do anything... I couldn't do anything besides holding you and hope that somehow you'd be okay..." He said as he sat with his knees close to his head and hands covering it.

      I felt this strong emotion of pain when I saw him like that. It made me wonder, 'Just how many nights did he spend like that? What else about his pain do I not know? Is it okay to pity him? Even though he's a...' I walked up to him and knelt down.

"Chan, look at me," I said.

He lifted his head and looked at me with guilty eyes.

"Everything will be fine, I promise. So until then, you have to believe in me too." I said.

"And... I'm sorry." I looked at him to meet with his confused gaze.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" He asked in a low voice.

"Because all this time I didn't know what you were going through, I thought you hated me and wanted to get away from me... I never knew how it was for you... I kept pushing on you and you must have been so irritated... *sigh* I'm really sorry Chan." I said.

"And what about the time I was a complete jerk to you?" He asked.

"Even though I was wrong in every way imaginable, why are you still sympathising with me?" He whispered looking deep into my eyes.

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