Chapter 10 Afraid

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     A day passed since I last saw Chan and had a conversation with him. He didn't come home and stayed at the company working the night again. I was worried about him but since he didn't want me to pry too much, I decided not to disturb him. Or maybe I was too distracted with Jeongin.

He played in the garden and liked to draw little flowers and plants and would show me his drawings. At least I wasn't bored with him around.

     It was around afternoon after we had lunch and I put Jeongin to bed for a nap, I sat on the living room sofa and turned on the TV. I stopped when the news channel came up.

**Yesterday night a citizen was attacked by a blood-sucking monster according to him. As you can see there is a bite mark on his neck and almost half of his blood was sucked out. Pedestrians, who reported this matter to the police and took him to the hospital, say that he was unconscious on the side of the road. After the victim regained consciousness he said that he was attacked by a humanoid thing that supposedly had glowing red eyes and fangs. Police say that they have no explanation for what that creature was but are still investigating to find what it. According to the hospital's staff that treated him, half of the blood in his body was drained making him lose consciousness. Let's hear the rest from the victim themself.

"I don't really remember how I ran into that thing, but it was huge and had growls that sounded like a lion or some animal! I was so scared, I thought I was going to die when it appeared in front of me!"

"Can you describe its face?"

"I couldn't see it. And besides, there was this suffocating smell, I think that was what made me dizzy."

"What kind of smell was it?"

"I don't remember it now but it smelled like some kind of cool scent."

"You said its eyes were glowing, can you elaborate?"

"Yes! They were glowing in the bushes in the dark. And the fangs! Man those were huge! It bit me with those things on my neck and sucked my blood! If anyone didn't find me, I would be dead by now!"

Rumours say that this was a mythical creature that has woke up after years of sleep. And that it was a Vampire that attacked this man.

'A Vampire...?'

Anyway, citizens are requested to be careful on the streets at night and protect themselves from this 'animal' or what people like to call it-


     Just then, I heard something behind me. I turned my head back to see Chan standing there wide-eyed which showed shock. He just got home. 'Did he see what was on the news?' I stood up and tried to talk to him.

"Chan-" I was cut off by him quickly walking towards his room without paying attention to me.

He closed his door shut before I could say anything.


'Why does he keep acting like this? I just want to talk to him. Only once so that we are at least on normal terms. Is that too much to ask?'

I turned back around and switched the TV off.

Chan POV-

     I shut the door on Y/N and dashed to the bathroom to vomit. When I was done, I washed my face and took off my coat. I lost all the strength in my legs and fell on my knees to the bathroom floor. I held my head and tried to remember what happened that night.

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