Chapter 11 - Forbidden

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Chapter 11

"It's not my fault," I stood there whilst Alec started to launch his self at me. Jane attacked me in the first place, it was nothing but her far as I was concerned.

"Alec!" Aro yelled at him. He didn't stop nor look at him, he was filled with anger and passion to attack me. I looked at him straight in the eyes and he stopped. We stared at each other, neither of us having a clue of what was going on. The world literally stopped and it was just the two of us moving. Aro was in the middle of shouting whilst the others just stood there like statues. I shook my head and the world moved again. For a moment there, I thought that he was going to burn, but...nothing happened other than the world stopping right in front of our very own eyes.

As I blinked, Alec followed my example too. "What the heck just happened?" I whispered to him.

"I don't know," he answered.

"What are the two of you talking about?" Aro joined our conversation. How was I supposed to answer him? I knew that I couldn't possibly tell him that the world stopped when I looked into Alec's eyes, right? Thing would just get complicated right after that.

"N-Nothing," I immediately answered his question. Alec didn't say anything, he just kept his mouth shut, which I was very grateful for. I was willing to bet that he's more confused that I was with the whole situation right now.

"If you say so," said Aro. I could see that he didn't believe that there was nothing going on with me and Alec, but it's a relief that he decided not to push it. "Alec," he called to the vampire who had his eyes widened. "Take Brynn to the guest room,"

"As you wish," Alec bowed to him. Alec pretty much gave me a dangerous glare before walking towards the door. I followed his footsteps and went behind him, clearly not wanting to get beside the monstrous aura that he was radiating. He might still wanted to kill me for bursting his sister into flames. I was on my guard, in stance, if in any case he planned to turn around and launch his self at me. It's a little better to be safe than sorry. I didn't want to take the risk of getting myself killed. "Will you care to explain what happened earlier? What did you do to me?"

"Explain what?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Do what?"

He didn't answer my question as we walked the hallways of the medieval looking palace. After a whole minute, he turned around to look at me straight in the eyes which made me halt my steps too, "Explain how the world literally stopped..." the feeling of what happened earlier came back. " this," we both turned around to look at our surroundings and all the vampires that were passing by stopped walking whilst some people left their mouths hanging open. "How did this happen?" Alec looked at me again.

"I would have told you if I knew what is happening here," I told him. "But I don't, so you will get no answer from me," it was getting weirder and weirder every second. The stopping of the world was longer than when it stopped inside the main room.

"...La tua Cantante,"

"What?" I crossed my arms on my chest. "I can't understand the langua—"

"La tua Cantante," he chanted. This time, his head nodded with him, looking like he's saying those unfamiliar words to himself. "How is this possible? You're not human anymore..."

"I'm half-human, half-vampire," I explained. "I believe that I heard Carlisle mention before that the Volturi, together with him, declared a theory years ago whe—"

"—where a body will not feel pain even if bitten, but turned. The venom didn't fully cover the vampire's heart who turned the human into another vampire so the body complied with only of its half features?"

"Let me finish my sentence when I'm talking, okay?" I broke it to him. "I hate it when someone interrupts my talking. Aside from that, yes, that is the theory I'm talking about. Now, what is it with you chanting La tu—what?"

"La tua Cantante," he said. "It means 'singer',"

"...I'm not a singer...sorry...?"

"Blood singer," he cleared. "Your blood sings to me,"

"Great," I rolled my eyes. "Because I'm half-human, half of my lively blood sings to you now, right?"

"It's not a nice way to put it," he nodded. "But yes,"

"So..." I started. "How is it connected with the world stopping?"

"I don't know..."

"...How does this singer thing work in the first place anyway?"

"Your blood sings to me... only me," he emphasized the last two words then continued, "I didn't believe that blood singers were that strong until now. When you first stepped inside the room, your blood immediately caught my attention, maki—"

"—making you want to kill me?" I finished for him.

"Yes," he admitted. "But there's another way around. I thought I can control myself from killing you because you have vampire blood in you, making it simpler,"

"Gee," I said sarcastically. "Thanks," I then noticed that we were still in a kind of awkward situation, "How are we going to make the world move again?"

"I didn't hear of a blood singer and a vampire case like this," he told me. "So I have no idea how,"

"Don't tell me that we're going to be stuck in this paralyzed world forever?" I asked him. Then I realized a way that might be effective. "Wait, close your eyes,"


"Just close it!" I yelled then he immediately complied as I closed my very own. When I slowly opened my eyes, seeing the world again, both of us noticed that everything was back to normal. "That was...creepy,"

"Good thinking of you,"

"Thanks," I nodded and we continued walking to a place I didn't have an idea about. My mind drifted to the person who imprinted on me. Seth. Was he safe? Was he thinking of me? Had I told him that I cared for him too much that I joined the Volturi for his safety? I guessed so, not by words but by the actions I did.

"Aro told us that Bella was Edward's blood singer," the vampire who was now beside me, blurted out.

"What?" I stopped walking. "Bella was Edward's blood singer? She's a vampire!"

"She was a human before she met Edward,"


"I know," he smirked at me. I knew the meaning behind that smirk. It meant that there was also a very chance, which he believed, that we were like Bella and Edward. He believed that we would be lovers like them.

Forbidden (Seth Clearwater)Where stories live. Discover now