Chapter 3 - Forbidden

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Chapter 3

I did run. I aimed for the mirrored door. I ran but it wasn't a success. "Let me go!" I immediately struggled but I knew it was going to be hard for me with these two boys who took hold of both of my arms. Maybe out of curiosity they were wondering why I wanted to go out so badly. I'd been asking myself the question the whole time. Why would I want to get out of this place that badly?

"Carlisle!" yelled the beautiful little headed girl. "Don't be afraid, We're not here to harm you," after stating her few words, I saw her taking little baby steps towards me whilst raising a hand telling me to calm down. "Why didn't I see you coming?" she asked. Her pale features gave me the idea that she was also a vampire. I wasn't so sure of it the last time I saw her, but this time, I could strongly sense it. He turned to Bella and Jacob then muttered, "She's like Renesmee and Jacob. I can't see them at all, I just clearly saw Seth coming here and it gave me the idea that Jacob's with him, but I didn't see her coming," I wanted to ask her what she's muttering about, but I was still terrified. I didn't want to be anywhere near her. "Carlisle!" she yelled again.

Not minding about the two guys who took hold of my arms, I finally calmed down. I was terrified with no apparent reason. Maybe they never meant to harm me back in the blood bath yesterday. "I'm coming!" A familiar voice hollered from upstairs. Instead of seeing a single man, I saw six monsters coming down the stairs. The guy who took the lead of descending the stairs was the guy who reached a hand to me that day. I could see that he was a little stunned because he's seeing the girl who ran away from him. He walked towards me and stopped at the point when we were facing each other. He slightly lowered his head and identified me slowly.

It's just a matter of time for Jacob and Seth to release me from their awful grip. I calmed down, it just came to me that running wouldn't actually do any good. I just needed to accept the fact of what I'd become and maybe embrace it, which I thought was going to be hard.

"She doesn't have the scent of a vampire," the little headed girl said. I kept getting that impression. I didn't have the scent of a vampire, so maybe I still had the chance that I was not really a monster and my features changing were just a part of adolescence hood, right? Oh, God. Who the hell was I kidding for thinking that?

Seth just explained to the man in front of me how my eyes changed colors, of how my hair looked like it got highlights and how I had the paleness of a vampire. He even told them what my name was. He was being paranoid just by explaining it to him. The other vampires who were looking at me with such confusion were taking my guts out of me. Carlisle, the name of the man who stood in front of me, which I heard called by Seth, just went to the couch and took his seat.

"Impossible," said Carlisle whilst acting all psyched up. "It can't be, It's just a theory,"

"What are you talking about, Carlisle?" Bella asked whilst I saw a brown-headed guy beside her. Just like the others, he got this golden eyes that could surely haunt you in your dreams.

"Not being able to feel pain when she was turned, but bitten. Her half features," Carlisle looked at me with obvious amazement and concern. "You're half vampire, half human like Renesmee. It's just a theory and you just proved that theory. Renesmee was the second half-human and half-vampire to be born, but you, you're the first one to ever be created,"

"Where's Renesmee?" asked Jacob.

"She's sleeping, dog," the blonde-haired girl answered. I got the hunch that she didn't like Jacob very much. Then, there was this huge guy who circled an arm around her shoulders. Were they all couples here? Bella and the brown-headed guy, the little-headed girl and the frizzy-haired guy, the blonde girl and the huge guy. They all lived in the same house?

"So, back to the topic," mumbled the chestnut-haired middle-aged woman. I could pretty much guess that she and Carlisle were lovers. They were pretty much a good combination though, they were both beautiful creatures if you would ask. "In your theory, why did she become a half-vampire? In what way?"

"The vampire who has bitten her, I realized that he was also newly-turned. The venom inside that vampire's body hasn't completely took over his heart and when Brynn consumed the little amount of venom inside his teeth, it went to her heart but just covered the half of it," all this fuss was making me dizzy. I didn't get it at all.

"So, she still needs to drink blood?" asked Seth. When I heard the word blood, I directly felt something throbbing inside my mouth and body.

"Half and illusioned fangs," said Carlisle.

"What?" I didn't realize that I just yelled the crap out of me. I looked dumb, I was a vampire but I was not expecting myself to have those deadly illusioned teeth right now. It was too much to handle in this kind of situation. I was not fully embacing my destiny, yet.

"As for your question Seth, let's prove the theory," Carlisle just disappeared into thin air then just came back a few seconds after. He's fast, faster than the vampire who murdered my family. Did it mean that Carlisle was more powerful? He returned with a glass of thick mixture. He gave it to me and I took it.

"What's this?" I asked him, making sure that what I was going to drink was safe and would not bring me any harm. I smelled the mixture and it kind of made me obnoxious.

"Blood," he said."Drink it,"

"No! That's gross!" I tried giving it back to him and I was fortunate when he took it. He smiled and I just gave him a puzzling look.

"Just what the theory says, a newly created half-vampire would come to its senses when blood is involved, the body doesn't like to consume it but the body wants it. You can eat human food," Carlisle explained it very well, but I couldn't hide the fact that I was still confused, but the last sentence he muttered made me feel contented. Carlisle also told Jacob and Seth how they met me, they even told them that I ran. I was currently asking myself, who wouldn't run?

"And as for me," mumbled Seth, feeling nervous. "I just imprinted on her," hearing the word again made me want to hate it more and more. Him saying that word made all the heads turn to him. Bella acting perplexed, the guy beside him acting like he already knew what Seth was going to say.

"Another Renesmee and Jacob reincarnation, eh?" said the huge guy. The blonde girl just stared his guts out of him.

"Indeed," said the frizzy-haired guy with the little headed girl.

"I just want to ask," after the long moment of me remaining silent, I finally spoke up. "What am I going to do now?"

"Your whole family is gone now, right?" asked the little-headed girl and I gave her a nod. She then looked at Carlisle informing him of what to do with just a single look.

"You're going to be one of the Cullens," said Carlisle which I knew would change my new and ghastly life.

Forbidden (Seth Clearwater)Where stories live. Discover now