Chapter 17 - Forbidden

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Chapter 17

"What do you mean?" I stood up and came face to face with Alice. "Why would he get killed?"

"There's a new vampire," she informed. "I don't know who he is. His face was very unfamiliar. Seth might see him tonight and he'll die,"

"Where?" I demanded.

"In the woods," she answered. "But I don't know the specific place,"

"I need to go," without waiting for their answer, I bolted out of the room. Maybe Edward was helping me find Seth, I didn't know. But I was hoping he was...or Bella was. It was already evening, maybe he was on guard.

I searched near the roads or where they usually took guards. But when I didn't find him, I went straight to Jacob's house. I was running and didn't realize that I already bumped into someone. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I've got no time for this, Embry," I glared at him. "Do you know where Seth is?"

"What makes you think that I would tell you even if I do know where he is?"

I punched his stomach and he groaned in pain. The punch was painful, but it wasn't enough to make him get pumped up and shift into a werewolf. "Where is he? Or Jacob?"

"Nice try, missy," he spat. "But I won't tell you, not in a million years anyway,"

This time, Embry did piss me off. I wasn't a skilled fighter but becoming a vampire gave you fast refelexes. If you somehow gave a sloppy punch, it would look professional if you were a vampire. I aimed for his head and kicked it, and I was sure that I heard a bone snapping.

When he fell back-first on the ground, I kneed his neck and looked at him deadly straight into the eyes. "Tell me where they are right now or I'll kill you," I threatened. I wasn't so sure if I was saying the truth, maybe I was. I would take Embry's life for Seth's at any day.

"What the hell's happening here?" I turned around to see Jacob.

I stood up and went in front of him. "Where's Seth?" I demand.

"He said that he doesn't want to see you right now," Jacob answered bluntly.

"Cut the crap, Jacob," I said. "He might get killed tonight. A new vampire is on the loose. So it's either you tell me where he is right now, or you'll suffer just by seeing one of your comrades gone. You choose,"

After Jacob finally figured out what I was saying, he immediately shifted. When he ran, I took this as my cue to follow him. I trailed his footsteps without a second thought knowing that he would lead me to the person that I needed to save.

The place was farther than I thought. Why would they guard this place? It wasn't part of their territory, or maybe it was. I wasn't so sure anymore. The thought of Seth getting killed was enough to trouble my mind.

"Where is he?" I asked Jacob once he stopped.

I tried to fell my surroundings whilst Jacob smelled the air. I guess it had something to do with Seth's scent of some sort.

Jacob ran and I followed him once again. I wished for time to go faster for Jacob and I. What if we might not make it?

No, we would be able to make it.

There was one thing I learned about Alice's ability to see the future.

It always changed.

I heard some growling and immediately went to the sound without the guidance of Jacob. Once I got there, I saw Seth in his wolf form standing in front of an unknown man.

Forbidden (Seth Clearwater)Where stories live. Discover now