☕️finding out your old career.

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disclaimer: these are random careers i thought of haha.

{Anthony Edward Stark}
{Iron Man}: ☕️

"I think they're in my closet.." you called, rummaging through your drawers. You were looking for an old tool kit Tony had lost in your room and had been looking for ages. Tony stretched his arm up and ran it along the top shelf. He then pulled down a box he found and opened it with eager.

He pulled out many pictures and rosettes. The pictures were of you on a grey horse elegantly jumping high jumps. Tony's jaw dropped and he looked through the car board box more to find some trophies and letters. The letters were when you got into Equestrian Schools and the extra photos were of you on beach rides, and hacking with friends. The trophies were silver and gold and were neatly organised.

"Honey why didn't you tell me about this?" Tony asked and you turned around to see him going through the box you didn't want to see. You gasped a little before looking at the pictures he held.
"You're incredible! Why'd you stop?" he questioned, running his thumb over the precious plastic. You took a small breath and picked up the picture of the tall grey horse that appeared in all the photos.

"This was Sanda.. she was my horse for about 14 years i'd say. I quit because she passed and i couldn't get over her death. She taught me everything and no other horse seemed to fit me as well as she did..." you explained, looking at the tall standing animal. She was so beautiful: half arab and half welsh with a long mane and tail. Her colour was a grey with small brown specks.
"Awh honey i'm sorry... if you ever wanted to take it up again i'd be happy to help.." Tony offered with a wink and you flashed a smile.
"I'll teach you how to ride."

{Steven Grant Rogers}
{Captain America}: ☕️

"My mom love to embarrass me so just please ignore her?" you implied, looking over at your boyfriend Steve. He nodded and you tossed him the car keys and held his hand as you locked the door.

time skip
"Honey!" your mom called and you ran up to her, getting trapped in her embrace. She smelled like strong perfume and was dressed nicely.
"Steve this is my mom, mom this is Steve.." you said, interlocking your hand with Steve's. Your mom pouted and clasped her hands together.
"I love seeing my little baby all grown up!" she cooed, pinching your cheeks. You pulled away and glared at her. "Oh honey i tidied your old room if you wanted to show Steve around."

You thanked her and pulled Steve inside, rolling your eyes.
"Doll it's ok, your mom seems nice.." Steve said, pulling you into a small hug. "I wanna see your old bedroom.." he winked and you went a little red, shaking your head.
"Not necessary..." you suspiciously commented. Steve chuckled and your mom soon announced dinner.

After dinner, everyone stayed and chatted about nik naks. You hadn't seen your family in forever and it was nice of them to invite you round.
"Oh honey you could show Steve some of your old films.." your mom said, giggling. You stared daggers at her and she put her hand over her mouth whilst winking. You choked on your water and instantly looked at her in disbelief.
"No, mom. That won't be necessary." you replied back, shaking your head.
"Films?" Steve questioned. Your mom filled Steve in on your past career as a small actor who performed in plays and famous films.

"That's it!" you said, slamming your hands on the table and pushing your chair back. You stood up and ran down the hall and out the front door. You sat down on the porch and cursed under your breath.
"She has to embarrass me in front of everyone!" you said, tugging at your hair.

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