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{Anthony Edward Stark}
{Iron Man}: ☕️

You and Tony first met when Fury assigned you to the Avengers. He had set you up a meeting with them and everything went quite swell. But of course, the Mr Anthony Stark seemed very flirty and seductive. You ignored him yet his hotness and corny pickup lines seemed to make you attracted to him.

You blushed at a few of his jokes and you ended up giving him your first name and your number.

first thoughts:
his: "damn she's really hot. now i'm going to use my charm on her. go and get her, Stark."
yours: "Ok he's even hotter in person. Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him. Don't let him fool you."

{Steven Grant Rogers}
{Captain America}: ☕️

You and Steve met when he bumped into you and spilt your coffee over you. He apologised over and over again and you laughed, assuring him it was ok. You invited him to walk with you and he shyly agreed. You talked for about an hour and he ended up giving you his number.

He text you every day and you two met at least 5 times a week for coffee and walks through the park.

first thoughts:
his: "Sh- Language! Steven. Come on. Say sorry to the- EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL LADY OH MY GOODNESS."
yours: "Ah shoot! My jumper is covered in coff- oh not complaining this dude is extremely hot."

{Clint Francis Barton}
{Hawkeye}: ☕️

You and Clint met when you were training. Fury assigned you for a mission that included your marshal arts to be more complex. You we're training with Tasha (Romanoff), your best friend, when a talk hot dude with hot biceps walked in with his phone in hand. He apologised for walking in and sat down on the bench. You felt him staring at you as you kicked Nat's ass. You got her pinned down and giggled.

He started to talk to you after that and congratulated you for being able to pin the famous Nat down.

first thoughts:
his: " *phone thoughts*- ohhhh and she looks like a hot badass."
yours: "Oh his arms are. Oh they are so hot. Shit! Tasha come on let me stare at this dude-"

{Pietro Djando Maximoff}
{Quicksilver}: ☕️

Men. Drunk men are the worst. You were walking down the dimly lit street when you heard someone walking behind you. You turned your head over your shoulder and saw a wobbling, unbalanced older man with a beer bottle in hand. You tensed up when an arm went around your waist.
"Hey babe.." the man said. He had a thick accent and silver hair, that outlined his light blue eyes. "Play along i'm here to help." he whispered in your ear and you smiled. What a gentleman.

You got away from the drunken and the saviour told you his name: Pietro. You exchanged numbers and smiled at the thought of seeing such a man again.

first thoughts:
his: "That's a pretty woman and that's a drunk man. I'm gonna go and save her. Please don't think i'm weird.. please don't think i'm weird..."
yours: "His accent oh my gosh. His eyes oh my gosh. What a gentlemen."

{Robert Bruce Banner}
{The Hulk}: ☕️

You were a doctor who worked with more advanced-ly injured people. One day you noticed the one and only Tony Stark was lay in a hospital bed, ready to be treated. Someone was by his side and introduced himself as Dr Banner. He gave you some advice and you helped Mr Stark until he was no longer at death point.

Banner thanked you and gave you his business card as well as a heart felt smile and a nod.

first thoughts:
his: "She's pretty. Banner keep your eyes on Stark, he's injured! Get it together!"
yours: "Ok a hot doctor. Ok ok. Help Mr Stark and then think about how hot he is."

heyo. how are you? i'm thinking of adding Vision because yk he's hot af when he's a person. Just tell me if i should or if there is someone else i should add :)

lots of love

-me xoxo

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