tony stark- high.

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- h i g h -
warnings: heights, blood, loads of cursing.
this might be a little long i'm not sure, i'm writing this note before i start.

"Agent L/n! Report to my office." Fury called over the comms. You did as told, walking like a badass down the hall to the doors of director's office. You knocked, let him signal and stepped inside, redoing your hair as you sat down. Fury turned around in his chair, facing you. He cocked an eyebrow, yet you weren't intimidated. Fury tilted his head, along with placing his hands together on the table.

"Director i have paperwork, you surely aren't allowed to waste your agents time like this." you said, grinning cheekily as you tightened your hair. Fury scoffed and chuckled a little, implying his joke.
"Agent L/n, i am aware you have been wanting to retire from the mission work due to your pas injury, but there is something we need you to check out." Fury picked up a small remote and clicked a button, a blue hologram showing up behind him. You watched with interest as Fury explained your mission, the people, your disguise and what you were looking for.
"I'll do it." you said eagerly, even though your gut told you not to.
"Mr Stark will also be accompanying you on this mission. I'm aware you two are close?" you nodded your head, glad your partner is coming along. 
"Well. Get ready."

time skip

"Be careful, y/n." Tony said, packing up his bullets and glancing at your worriedly. You rolled your eyes and zipped up your 'Black Widow' like suit. You put the gun in your hand into the holster and made sure you had spare weapons for the more extreme parts.
"I've only ever jumped out a plane twice." you nervously chucked. Tony hummed, and then shot you a look.
"Wait why have you jumped out a plane?" he asked, looking down amongst the high fall. You opened your mouth and then closed it.
"A lady never shares her secrets, Stark." you winked and suited up ready. You took a deep breath before exploring off to the base.

Agents of the small HYDRA base were all around. The base wasn't big, or need loads of people to take it down, but it held some prize possessions. You roundhouse kicked the man coming at you and pulled your gun out to smack him clean in the face. With the next two coming at you, you looked either way to see them coming. With a step back, they went staright into each other, groaning in stupidity. A small laugh escaped your lips and you continued to fight off the men guarding the files you needed.

"Tony i've got eyes on the files. Make sure i've got a clear way out." you turned off your comms for the moment, holding your gun close to your face and nearing the tall double doors. You kicked them open and thrusted your hands forward, ready to shoot anyone. You cocked an eyebrow, making you way over to the piles of files heaped on the desks. You retrieved the one you needed and looked around once more for anyone. You turned the comms back on and assured Tony you were ok.

"I'm coming out n-" but before you could finish, someone violently grabbed your neck, pushing you along the floors. They flung you against the window, smashing through it instantly. Your hand only just met the small ledge, saving your life. As you looked down, you saw the at least 100ft drop to the hard concrete floors. Sweat dripped off your forehead as you clung tightly onto the stone. You weren't able to reach your comms to alert Tony, so when your attacker looked down out the window, you cursed.

"And what is this pretty little lady doing with this?" the man slyly asked, grinning horridly and holding the file up. He chuckled to himself creepily and leant down, pushing one of your hands from the ledge. A cry escaped your lips and you prayed for success.
"I think i'm going to need you to move." someone said. You made out the voice to be the one person you needed. Tony. You sighed a little in relief, yet still panicked at the height you were hanging on. After some grunts and groans, Tony came out of the window and held out his hand.
"I can't reach you." you said, loosing your grip gradually.
"Im not letting you fall." he said, his face serious and broken. You looked down once more and gave Tony a half smile.
He grabbed your hand as you were about to slip off, yet he couldn't hold on.
"Let me go." you sincerely said, giving one last half smile. (BABDBAJJDJSD YES I USED NAT's DEATH SCENE BUT NOW IM SOBBINGGG-)

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