Chapter 9

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Eli was first to wake up.He snuggled against Makeena and his hands were around her waist.Eli looked around briefly and was truly grateful Viny wasn't in sight.He didn't want him to think something was up with them.

Makeena had somehow wedge her way into the bed with Vinnyand Eli even though they had tangled themselves into each other,but she found a way.

Eli stood up and was making his around the room to gather clothes so he could take a bath when he saw a bright light shining from Vinny's closet.

"Vinny?" Eli whispered just before he pulled the door open to Vinng who was hunched over his computer clearly in the zone.He looked up at Eli and smiled brightly.

"Good morning." Vinny said making a move to get up and kiss Eli when he remembered the Eli had just woken up and he sat back down.

"Good morning."Eli said and waited expectantly,but received nothing."I don't get a kiss or anything? I see how it is."

"Not until you go and fix yourself.I can smell your breathe from down here and baby,your breath is disrespectful." Vinny teased pinching his nose and swatting the air around him.

"But I love you..." Eli pouted making the biggest puppy eyes he could muster hoping Vinny would give in,but he didn't and he just crossed his arms over his chest and mirrored his face.

"Go to the bathroom." Vinny commanded maintaining the same face.

"No." Eli said stubbornly and for the next few seconds Eli and Vinny just stared at each other.

"If you haven't caught on already;I'm waiting for you to go the goddamn bathroom and get out of my face." Vinny said darkly and ended it with a smile to let Eli know he was joking and Eli just pouted harder and finally stalked off to the bathroom.

The moment Eli looked into the mirror he was thoroughly disappointed with himself.

"How did I manage to look this fucking gross over the course of one night?" Eli wondered to himself and quickly washed away all the ugly the night had brought.

When Eli stepped out of the shower he felt as if his body had been replenished by the gods of cleanliness and he quickly toweled his hair and pulled on his neon green boxers and a shirt practically ran to Vinny's room.All he wanted was his good morning kiss and to cuddle and talk to his boyfriend until the end of time.

When Eli opened the closet door again Vinny had his phone in his hands and he was just looking down at it.

"Baby..."Eli cooed crawling into the closet with him. Placing his thumb and index finger around Vinny's chin and tilted his head,but Vinny pulled away from him and looked back down at his phone. Eli felt his heart break a little and immediately became worried he had done something wrong.He didn't know what he could've possibly done,but he felt as if he did something sinister

"What's wrong?"Eli said sliding an arm around Vinny and hugging him.

"Look." Vinny's voice wavered as he handed Eli his phone.

You stupid raggedy piece of gay shit.You stole what was rightfully mine from me and now you will pay.

Eli re-read the text multiple times trying to figure out what to say.Who the hell would do this?

"Vinny-"Eli started but stopped short when he saw Vinny crying.He had his sweater sleeve balled up against his mouth and he was whimpering,face red,and a waterfall of tears streaming down his cheeks.

"No no no.Don't cry.It will all be okay."Eli cooed pulling Vinny towards him and Vinny sort of crumbled on to his lap and cried into him.Eli stroked Vinny's hair and tried to comfort him,but nothing seem to be working so he eventually gave up and just held him.

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