Chapter 1

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Eli stared across the room biting on his pencil.Ever since he came Eli couldn't keep his eyes off him.Which was weird considering Eli has always been straight,but there was something Eli liked about him.He liked his big brown eyes, his pale skin, the way his hair was so fluffy,and also down to the littlest things like the way he yawns or scratches the tip of his nose.It was enough to make Eli's stomach flutter and his toes curl inside of his checkered Converse and he couldn't understand why. The only thing he could think of was "Maybe I'm gay.Or bi." But whatever the case was he was falling for the new student and he still didn't know his name.

"Mr.Aptekar."A voice woke him up from his daydream.

Eli looked up to see his math teacher,Mr.Asheer, glaring down at him.

"Yes?" Eli answered not meeting his eyes.He found his pencil much more interesting at the moment.

"Can you come up and answer the question on the board"

Eli looked at the board and saw a jumble of letters that equaled 0.

" ax*x + bx +c = 0?" Eli questioned "The fuck are all the numbers at?" The class erupted in giggles.

"That's for you to find out and no profanity in my classroom." Mr. Asheer scolded

"Sorry."Eli lied.

Mr.Asheer opened his mouth to say something else but the bell rung and Eli scurried and shoved all of his stuff in his bag.He'd fix it later.

The first day of school was always the best.All the teachers were still lazy from summer and all they did was review for the first week and he got see his friends again;Which was the best part.

"Hey Eli!" his best friend Makeena squealed running and hooking her arms in his.

"Hey! I missed you my little bitch." Eli squealed back even though he saw her yesterday he couldn't get enough of her.

"Who were you looking at?" Makeena asked.

"The new kid." Eli answered simply.

"You were staring at the new kid like you have a little crush.Something you wanna tell me?" Makeena asked raising a skinny eyebrow at him.

Eli smiled at the thought of the new kids face.

"It's not like that-" Eli began to explain when his other friends Luna, Dana, and Spencer came running over to Eli and covered him in hugs and friendly kisses on the cheek making Makeena and Eli to stop in their tracks

"Baby I missed you!" Luna scream as the warning bell rang

"I missed you more!" He hugged her again."All of us will catch up but we gotta go to biology."Eli said groaning.

The biology room was all the way down the long hall and up some stairs.

"Okay bye" Dana,Spencer, and Luna waved.

Eli simply waved back and smiled.

"So you were explaining how you have a crush on a new kid.Who is in fact not a girl." Makeena pressed nudging Eli with he elbow.

"Shut up.It's not a crush it's just- I don't know.It might be.He's just so-Oh my god." Eli moaned and threw his head back.

"It's a crush.Now don't worry I got you." Makeena assured him as the walked into the biology room.

"Ah Eli and Makeena just in time.I was just about to assign lab partners." Mr.Grizzly smiled at us holding a clipboard.

"Okay. Table 1: Jessica Parker and Mary-Jane Adams. Table 2:Christof Willowburg and Michelle Kirkland.." Mr.Grizzly began reading off table groups.

Eli was silently hoping that him and the new kid would be placed together when Makeena nudged him and pointed to his far left.Eli looked over and saw the new kid standing the running his hands through his hair.Eli's stomach churned and he looked at Makeena not trying to suppress the tiny smile on his lips.

"He's a hottie isn't he?" Makeena mouthed and half smiled.

Eli quickly glanced back at the new kid before turning around and nodding sheepishly in approval.

"It's a crush." She mouthed and turned away before Eli could protest.

" Table 12:Makeena Seeny and Tatiana Veverido."

Makeena and Tatiana sat at their table and immediately began whispering.Eli hoped she wouldn't tell Tatiana about his 'crush' on the new kid.But Makeena knows better.

"And lastly Table 13:Eli Aptekar and Vincent DeVega."

Eli looked over and met eyes with the new kid or Vincent briefly before walking over to his table.

"Wish granted. Now what?" Eli thought as he walked to his table and sat at the seat that was next to Makeena's seat and gave her a knowing look and she just patted his shoulder.

"Hi Eli." Tatiana waved her tanned arm at him.

"Hi." He waved back before turning and looking to his immediate right and his eyes met with the most gorgeous face ever.

Vincent had a big brown eyes that would remind you of puppies eyes if he opened them wide enough,he had barely noticeable stubble,a birthmark on the right side of his upper lip right next to his nose, his soft perfect lips that look oh so kissable, and up close his looks fluffy and strange but close up it just looks magical.It looks unimaginable soft and bouncy also fluffy and it's not really anything you can describe it's just different.

"Hey.You can call me Vinny." Vinny smiled and twiddled this fingers at him and tossed some of his black hair out of his eyes.

"Hey." Was all Eli could say back and nod his head.

Eli had a feeling this was going to be a year he would never forget.

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