Chapter 1

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Chapter 1  

Reika's POV

"So you're saying goodbye. You're breaking up with me."

"Yes." She answered him firmly.

"We promised that we're going to work things out, right?"

"But they won't." She's trying so hard to hold back her tears. Why can't he just let her go?

"Don't answer me curtly. Give me a proper explanation. You said you could stay here. What are you saying now? I love you more than anything. All these years together, are they nothing to you? Am I nothing to you now? You still love me, right?" Tears started forming in his eyes. He really cries easily.. but that doesn't make him less of a man to her. That's actually one of the reasons why she loves him so much.

"Don't make this harder. I love you. I'll always love you. But this is for the best. Please understand." Great. Now she is crying. She hates crying.

"Is this the best? Look, you're already crying. You hate that. We look pretty stupid crying. So don't do this. Please."

"I love you. Please forget about me." She kissed him for the last time and ran away before she could change her mind.

Reika woke up with a start.

"That dream again." She said to herself.

She had that dream every night since two days ago when she arrived in Seoul. She would have a different dream at first but it always ended with that scene.

She tried to shake it out of her head. She's going to enjoy again her vacation in Seoul. Her beloved parents forced her to take a vacation before taking over their empire of businesses. She was already prepared for it for so long but her parents wanted her to take a break. Reika rose from her bed and went straight to the bathroom. She had a feeling this day would be different from others.

Reika was wrong. Her day was a pretty normal one, strolling around tourist spots in the city and taking pictures. A lot has changed in Seoul ever since she left 8 years ago. Well, she didn't exactly live in the place but she got to visit from time to time. She went back to her hotel suite a little after 5pm. She decided to call room service for her dinner before calling her bestfriend.

"Yoboseyo? Reika-chan?"

"Moshimoshi, Sooyoung-a."

"Reika-chan! How are you? It's been a long time since your last call. I was starting to get mad at you."

"I'm sorry. Busy with work, you know."

"As always. You should get a vacation. Come back here in Korea! Go to Seoul!"

"I'm already here. I arrived two days ago. That's why I called."

"Two days ago?! And you only called me now?"

"I know you're pretty busy."

"I will never be busy when it comes to you, Reika-chan."

She talked with Sooyoung until her manager called her for practice. She promised she would visit Sooyoung at her agency tomorrow. Choi Sooyoung was her hoobae during middle school and vice president of the student council. She was the president at that time so they got pretty close. Sooyoung is now a member of the famous K-Pop girl group, Girls' Generation.

After having dinner, she tried to finish the book she was reading, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. She was already on the last chapter.. and tears were falling from her eyes. Reika hated crying but crying because of tragic storylines was an exception. She can't bear it to end so she closed the book and looked at the clock. 9:32pm.

Reika stood up and got her sweater. She wants to grab a cup of coffee outside. It was already chilly that October in Seoul. Winter season is coming up and she was half-wishing to see Korean snow before going back to work.

She was debating with herself whether to get milk tea instead when she caught sight of a bakeshop that is bursting with people inside. Teenage girls, to be exact. She found it strange for teenagers to have a craving for pastries in the middle of the night all at the same time.

Curiosity won over her so she decided to grab a muffin and a cup of caramel macchiato there. Tous Les Jours was the bakeshop's name. It was French for 'every single day'.

Reika had a hard time getting inside because of all the people blocking the entrance. They were giggling, talking, holding up their gadgets (like trying to take a picture of someone), or crying. Wait, crying? Yes, crying while saying "I can't believe I saw oppa. He smiled at me and talked to me. I could die now!"

Reika had two guesses on why these girls are here. One, the food here is ridiculously delicious that they are still in here at about 10 in the evening or two, there is someone famous in here that they want to see. The latter seems more likely.

She decided to get in line to order something. It was her reason to go out, anyway. Two girls were talking behind her.

"Are you sure four members are here? I only saw Eunhyuk oppa at the counter." Girl one asked.

"I'm sure! Kyuhyun, Ryeowook & Yesung are also here!" And they jumped up & down while giggling.

Reika thought that she heard those names before. Maybe they were from a boy band or something. K-Pop groups are a rage these days. She tried to ask them.

"Um, excuse me? I overheard your conservation. Those names you mentioned, from what group are they? Who are they?"

They looked at her as if she's some creature who came from another planet.

"Seriously, you came here without knowing the owner of this place? Or worse, you don't have any idea who we were talking about?" Girl 1 asked Reika.

"Uh.. no. That's why I'm asking."

"Well, you do look like a foreigner. A tourist? But you also look like a Korean. And though you're not from here, it's impossible that you don't know them. They're global superstars!" Girl 2 chimed in.

"I have a quarter of Korean blood and I'm not really into K-Pop. So who exactly are you talking about?"

But their attention was already on someone behind Reika. Someone who stunned them.

"So what would you like to order, ladies?"

Reika turned around as the two tried to stifle their screams. And then she was face-to-face with a man she wished she had never met on the next few days.

*End of Chapter One*

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