Thirty Four

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Day 7.

How does anyone expect me to concentrate and do well in school when I have much more bigger problems to worry about.

The gang war.

The contract.

Jessica and Amelia.

Could it possibly get any worse?

I woke up really early this morning to like at 3am and we were out of the hotel by 3:30.

I went back to my house and everyone was awake by the time I got there, they were all getting ready for Safaa's school play which completly crossed my mind so of course I went along, but honestly what school has a school play at 6 o clock in the morning.

The bell rings and we start to pile out of the music room.

" Zayn? " the teacher calls me back.

" mhhm? " I look at him

" Where's Jessica she hasn't been in for two weeks, I thought you would know of her where abouts " He asks me folding his arms.

" I can't answer the questions I don't have the answer to. Good bye Sir " I sigh walking out of his class.

I walk through the halls in despair, totally lost for words and not wanting to talk to anyone.

The day goes pretty slow but I somehow survive it.

I walk into the locker rooms and get changed in silence.

My team mates sense something different about me but they keep their mouths shut.

" Hey bradford, how are you feeling? " Lucas asks me, Lucas is the left winger on our team he's an alright guy but sometimes he comes off as blunt.

" Not bad but not good either " I sigh putting on my football shoes.

" You seem different today. " He mumbles

" How so? " I ask clearly tired of the conversation already.

" You're not as happy, is everything okay? "

That's when I lost my temper.

" Like you said! I'm not happy, I'm different and I could care less! You can see I'm not happy and there's nothing anyone can do to try and change it! Let me be a grumpy old troll that's going to explode and die any second , but if you provoke me I swear you will wish you hadn't " I burst out

Everyone stares at me in shock because I'm never one to be angry or to yell.

I let out a frustrated sigh and walk out to the field to warm up, there's still some anger I want to burn off.

You see that's why I love football, I always had an interesst watching the sport with my dad back in England. I remember always holding a football or as they say in America a Soccer Ball, in my hands. Just something about the crowd roaring for you as you score a goal makes me feel at home. You see when you're angry at the world and everything that's right turns wrong, football is there for me. And I don't care I Am Good at it. I have this special place, a wide green meadow close by the airport and you can see the planes take off I play football there sometimes and just to let go. I'm the only one who knows of this place and I'd like to keep it that way.

" Haven't seen you in Practice for a while Malik, you've got a lot of catching up to do especially for this week's game " He says patting me on the back

" Down and give me 20! " He yells

I get down and do 20 push ups struggling at first but completing the task successfully.

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