Thirty Nine

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Zayn's P.O.V

Day 12.

"Zayn!" someone yells

"mmmhm what? " I groan pulling the duvet over my head.

" our flight to Uk leaves in a few hours, and our AMA performance is in less than an hour get up! " Louis shouts and throws a pillow at me

" when did I get here last night? " I ask confused

" you came to ours in the middle of the night after some guys came to the house to clear out some furniture or something I don't know just get up! Ian will be so pissed " Harry explains running around frantically

I lay in bed for two minutes only to be yelled at by Harry and Lou so I got up and got dressed.

" Daniel? " I call

" Hey buddy " He answers emphasising 'buddy'

" I need you to pick up where I left off, as in looking for Jessica don't give up please I have a tight schedule right now and I don't know when I can get back to Tampa " I explain walking out the door Lou and Harry trailing behind.

" Of Course, but where exactly did you leave off? And when will you be back " He asks me.

" Grab the gang and take them to the storage don't stop training, just the basics holding a gün, aiming and throwing knives. It's literally the Hunger Games but before that. Pick up Amelia and take her to the hospital room she was in look for a note and follow the instructions and today and tomorrow award shows straight after the award shows we're going to a hotel to get changed straight from there airport to London to be on the Graham Norton show and I'll also have to check in on my family maybe flying them back out to America with me for Christmas. " I babble getting into the black Van waiting for us with a angry looking Ian.

" Are we still on for that Christmas Dinner and party after? " He asks

" Course " I promise

" Great okay see you when you get back "

" Wait! Danny before you hang up. Just in case anything goes ask Dillon he's Jessica's best friend he'll know what to do " I say in a hushed tone

" um okay. " He says then I hung up

I look up and see Ian glaring at me.

" just say it" I sigh

"say what? That you're an irresponsible person who can't keep to there time? " he huffs

" I over slept okay? " I yawn still tired

" You can sleep on the plane, it's a 9 hour flight " he shrugs

" 9 hours? " I groan

" Niall and Liam could possibly be in their clothes right now readty to perfrom without us and who's fault is that? " he asks

" Yours " I state

" Excuse me? " He growls

" If you wanted me to be early you would have done a better job planning! I mean really it's Christmas week! And I haven't even gone Christmas shopping not to mention I've just bought my family a house " I grumble in frustration

" maybe we could use that in the movie " Ian mumbles writing something down

" Movie? "I ask

" Do you ever listen to anything I say. Yes a movie coming out in August hopefully" He sighs

" oh " is all I manage to say.

I turn around to see Lou and Harry engrossed in deep conversation.

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