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Jessica's P.O.V

" Who would do this ? " I sob the mascara stained tears rolling down my cheeks .

" When I found out who did this to I'm going to cut off their balls that is if they had any " Daniel says rubbing my back

" When I came here I prayed to God or who ever is up there , that none of this came out from where it

was hidden because before this kind of thing was all over my school and I lived in a small town so if you slip up you are

labeled for life but the thing is you can't tell if it's photoshoped or not it looks so real it makes me want to throw up " I hiccup into Adeline's shoulder

" Zayn you aren't saying anything " Jax questions him

" I just don't have a comment " He shrugs

" Your girlfriend is in tears over here breaking into pieces and you say you have no comment " Adeline yells rubbing my back

" Asshole " Daniel mutters

Zayn just sighs and continues messing around with his computer.

" I swear I bet it was Mollie oh my god when I'm done with her she won't be able to know the difference between her world and reality not that she knows the difference now. " Jax says clenching her fists.

" Why is your phone virbrating so much ? " I whisper aksing Zayn

" I don't know " he shrugs.

I reach over to his phone and check it.

* 3 New message from Unknown Number *

* Dude, do not post that picture *

* It'll ruin her *

* You are such an asshole I hope you know that *

I scroll up to the previous message that says

* Such a bold move of you to send such a racy photo to everyone in the entire school *

* What do you mean ? *

" Zayn " I hiccup

" what " he says plainly

" It was you wasn't it " I ask starting to cry again

" What are you talking about ? " he says plainly

" You asshole you sent that picture to everyone! " I yell slapping him

" What no! " He says closing his laptop and holding his face

" No stop! Is this because of the Taylor thing ? because I haven't heard from him in days! " I cry

" No it wasn't me ! " He yells still holding his cheek

" It was you! It all adds up, you acting all nice before it was sent then you start acting suscipicious and shady and wouldn't even have a proper conversation with me " I scream in his face

" I hate you so much! What did I do to have the universe hate me so much to get this kind of ... kind of ... kind of EMBARRASSMENT!! " I yell jumping at Zayn but Jax and Daniel holding me back

" Jessica I swear I did not send that photo " He pleads stepping back

" Give me your phone " I say thorugh gritted teeth

" Why " He asks hesitant

" Just give me the damn phone " I scream

He hands me the phone and go straight to gallery.

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