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Hey lovlies !

I'm going to be changing the Period of time frequently just to make it quicker

So just to let you know ahead this is 5 months and a half later.

Okay i hope you enjoy this chapter x


"Don't you just love Monday mornings?" says Daniel sarcastically stabbing his pasta

"Yep they're the best. " Adeline says kissing Danny's cheek.

I was so zoned out.

I've stopped talking with Taylor and asked him to stop giving me hints.

I know who he is but he doesn't know I know.

I'm not ready to say it.

Besides I've been going out with Zayn well it's complicated.

We've been on a lot of dates and we act like a couple but he still hasn't made it official.

But he's been kind of sweet lately but I keep a good eye on him in case he has any tricks up his sleave.

"Yeah yeah keep your lips to yourself I'm eating food here" Jax says sipping her drink

"Well isn't someone cranky?" I say smiling eating my lunch

"You don't care because you have Zayn. I have no one." whines Jax

"Get the dozen of cats ready" Daniel mutters putting a spoonful of pasta in his mouth,

"I heard you asshole" Jax sighs playing with her food

"Why do you care so much anyway?" I ask her curiously

"Do you guys find me intimidating?" She blurts out.

"What?!" I choke nearly laughing dropping my spoon

"You know scary? Do I scare guys away I don't know. Or maybe I'm just ugly" Jax sighs once more.

"Okay 1.

You're fucking gorgeous

and 2.

You don't scare anyone" Adeline says from her seat.

"Yeah but she scares me" Daniel mumbles fidling with his traw

"Jackass" Adeline says elbowing him in the stomach.

"Ow Joder que daño a mi amor! " Daniel curses in his mother tongue nuzzling up to Adeline.

"Next time don't be an ass" she says caressing his cheek

These two are my relationship goals.

They so cute and I wish to have a relationship like that one day.

"Guess who" Zayn says putting his hands over my eyes.

" Jason ?" I say jokingly thinking of Jason from Pretty Little Liars I'm literally obsessed with that show.

"Who's Jason ?" Zayn asks as I feel him stiffen

"Zayn I'm only kidding " I laugh getting up to hug him

"I knew that" he said sitting down beside me

"Sure you did" I said smiling at him

"Jessica Elizabeth Thompson are you calling me a liar?" He asks looking back at me pretending to be shocked

"Well I ain't calling you a truther " I say eating my remaing fries

"I loved Drake and Josh" Adeline says cuddling Daniel laughing

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