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Zayn's P.O.V


New message from Unknown Number

I still think this whole thing is bizzare because who ever this person is metally ill to want to bring something from the past and use it against someone and black mail them into doing things that may or may not ruin their lives.

I read the message over a few times before locking my phone and turning back to Jessica

" Do you want anything? " I ask her walking into the kitchen opening the fridge looking in it

I really need to do some grocery shopping because it's basically empty and the milk is expired anyways.

" Nah I'm good " She smiles at me

" If you say so " I nod throwing the milk away checking for anything else expired closing the fridge again.

" Can I have a tour of the house " She asks sheepishly playing her fingers

" Course you can " I chuckle taking her hand and taking her around the house

About 30 minutes passed by of me showing her every room in detail every story and memory that has been told or made every fight my sisters and I ever had growing up in this very house.

" And this is my bedroom , so I guess you know all the rooms in my house now " I smile putting her bag near the door.

" Yup " She says jumping on to my bed

" Who else lives here besides you and your parents ? " she asks crossing her legs

" Um , my youngest sister Safaa she is 12 she lives with my older sister Doniya who is 23 because barely anyone is ever at home with my parents always on buisness trips me in school no one to take care of her and Doniya lives closer to Safaa's school anyways so it was the best descicion " I reply sitting opposite her folding my arms slouching in my chair

" So you have two sisters? " She asks again playing with her fingers

" No I have three sisters Waliyha my little sister she's 17 she also lives with Doniya " I tell her looking at the time.

" Anything else you'd like to know ? " I ask her yawning standing up from the chair.

" Yes but not now . " She smiles and starts changing into her pajamas.

" Don't look " She says before stripping her clothes off

" Why not ? " I ask looking at her red face

" Just please don't look " Jess whines pouting and folding her arms

" But there's really nothing for you to hide because you're fucking gorgeous " I mutter closing my eyes anyways

I hear her zip open her bag I open my right eye and see her in only her underwear and bra. But something else catches my eyes.


Not only cuts though burns , bruises and scratches .

And they weren't old ones either as well though they look freshly cut and I swear my heart broke a little. No I'm lying alot, it broke a lot.

" Jessica " I whisper my voice tightening staring at her

" Zayn ! Close your eyes " She screeches trying to hide herself

" You cut ? " I ask still quiet getting louder though.

" Zayn I have a reason for it okay ? " She sighs putting her clothes on uncomfortables

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