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"What the fuck? You did what?! Why the fuck would you say that" Daniel yells looking up from his phone

"It's not a big deal." I say rolling my eyes

They stare at me for a few seconds while I take a bite out of the french fry

"No back up you did what! " Daniel whisper yells again leaning in closer to the table

"That must have took some real balls " Adeline smirks at Daniel's reaction

"No not really " I laugh at Daniel's baffled face

"Oh you're fucked she's going to give you bad grades for the rest of senior year because of that hahahah so what did she say exactly? " Daniel laughed asking again

"For the 3rd time Danny she got yelled at by Mrs Johnson she was then sent to principal's office he laughed it off and she got out of getting no detention okay? you're a bit slow today Danny what's up"

Jax says staring at Daniel's face checking his temperature.

"Bitch? " He squeaks glaring at Jax swatting her hand away

" I'm fine nothing Starbucks won't solve." Danny says smiling sitting back down

"Then get some Starbucks " I say finishing my fries.

"I'm broke bitch so damn broke " he sighs slouching in his seat

"You're always broke" Adeline scoffs

"Yeah, Why are you always broke you have a job?" Jax adds

" I'm not always broke I just spent all my money on the new iPhone 6 that's all " he mutters.

"What was that Daniel? Pleas speak up chica" Jax says smirking

"I got the new iPhone 6 alright" he nearly yells

"You're shitting me right now." Adeline laughs

"Months ago you were hating on the new Apple products but now you have an iPhone and the iPhone 6 to be exact . " Jax snorts

"It was all worth it " he says bringing out his new phone

We were all laughing but was silenced by a crowd forming at the top of cafeteria.

Naturally we went to see what it was all about.

"It's too crowed one of us has to go in" Jax says trying to pass through all the other students

"Maybe the smallest one out of us?" I suggest.

"Yeah erm Adeline do you mind?" Jax asks.

"But... " She whines cringing at all the students looking suffocatingly tight

Daniel gives her this look and says

" if you don't grow some fucking balls and find out what is going on I'll slit your throat "

" fine you owe me though" Addie cringes rolling up her sleaves and squeezing in between all the students.

"How long does it take to get a damn flyer" Danny huffs

"What is it for anyways?" I ask but they both just shrug.

Finally a flustered Adeline comes out of the crowd with four flyers.

We each take one and which reads

'Battle of the Bands December 2014 Christmas Edition '

"This is what they were all fighting for?" I scoff.

"Shut up! " Adeline squeals

"This is important we loose every year to Mollie Mc Hollister the girl can't sing for

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