Q and A (Part 1)

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A person that looked like they haven't showered in weeks, wearing a loose, grey jacket and pajamas that has dog fur attached everywhere, hair reaching his lower back, suddenly appeared, a yawn slipping through his lips before clearing his throat and smiling to the camera.

"Hey everyone, I'm Hunter or Wassap_Its_Hunter. Don't really know if you know me but I'm here anyway." An awkward chuckle was heard as the person rubbed his nape before awkwardly looking at the camera again.

"Anyways, after days- I mean weeks, we have returned back to our motherland but of course, before going back to our story, it is only rightfully so to keep our promise, the promise of a Q and A with the cast of The Seven Princes." The person who stepped aside then walked in is a woman past their teenage years, showing a small smile while waving to the audience. 

"First in our cast is our very own main character, Y/n! Round of applause for our traumatized child!" Y/n rolled her eyes as she walked past the host, slapping the back of his head before sitting down at the provided chair in front of her. 

"If you're going to insult me, at least do it properly," Y/n said, words lifeless as she sighed, not seeing the reason for such event. This Q and A or whatever the host called it doesn't give any benefit for the kingdom or to her camp but then again, this person didn't stop bothering her for two months straight and she almost wasn't able to stop her mates from sending guards after the host.

"Alright, we'll start now!" Then a screen was pulled in front of them and started ringing crazy, making them both jump from their seat, Y/n visibly gulping at the number of questions that were sent to her.

"I'm scared."

"Me too, don't worry- Now! For our first question!"

"@K1ller_8unny, Nyx what are your thoughts if you were to ever have BTS's children, and how do you actually feel whenever they give or show affection towards you?"

"Oh, well that was straightforward," Y/n muttered as she processed the question before finally realizing what was being asked. She cleared her throat before answering.

"If this BTS is what you name the seven princes, I guess... I wouldn't mind it if they will be the father of my child-" 


"Shut the fuck up, Hunter. Anyway, it feels different when they would care for me since I grew up in an environment that shouldn't be where kids are. Most of the time, I wouldn't know what to do but when they do show their affection, it... would make me feel wanted." 

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Next question.

"@exmciriety, date me lmao."



"@ASMRVIDS, do you still find it hard to open up to the princes' even though you still have solid trust in them?"

"To be honest, I'll throw myself into a volcano if they told me too but yes, I still have trouble with opening up to them. Maybe it's because of the way the skill of keeping everything a secret was engraved on to me but I do hope someday I'll be comfortable to tell them everything."

"@lilaizhoe, do you think Maki was a good friend?"

"She was. She was one of the only people who treated me like a human while the rest treated me as someone who was fit to be a Hunter. I wanted to bring her back, to be her friend again but I have known her feelings for me since the beginning and I treated it like it's nothing and now she's gone. I regret every second that passed that day."

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