Charter Twelve: Fate

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"Chapter Twelve: That You Control Your Own Fate."


"We were only seven

but now we have all you now,"

-We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal, BTS


For a long time, this was the first time where you felt calm. Relaxed even. 

All you could see was darkness and all you could feel was numbness. You weren't sure if your eyes were open or not but you didn't care. The coldness brought you this weird sensation of warmth which boggled with your mind. 

You thought about how you could just leave. Closing your eyes forever. Far from missions, not needing protecting your camp and taking care of everyone. Never waking up. Just staying there forever. You clenched your jaw as the thought of all of this.

You were tempted, so tempted to just sleep forever. You shook that idea away, not liking how you loved the idea. 

"I thought you wanted to fade away?" You looked to your side and surprised to see your self, wandering aimlessly, hair spread out. She gave you a soft smile, tilting her head at you. She sat with her legs criss-cross with each other. Her eyes held a warm and soft stare while yours held exhaustion and stiffness. You observed her stance, seeing how calm and soft she is. 

She's the total opposite of me. You thought, staring at her. She suddenly laughed, making you flick your wrists but looked down when you can't feel your daggers. 

"I'm you, but the different you, do you get it?" She said, standing upside down. Her hair fell right down as she floats beside you. You furrowed your eyebrows as to how she heard your thought.

"Because we are in your mind. Your mind that is slowly dying." She pursed her lips, looking at you with sad eyes. You gulped as you laid down, closing your eyes and sighing through your nose.

"What do you mean by you're me?"  You looked at her, lips in a straight line. She smiled, flipping over until she sat crossed legs again. 

"You're not worried about dying?" She asked, hair flowing gracefully behind her. You kept quiet and sighed.

"Answer the question,"  You said, looking away. She pursed her lips, standing up. She walked in front of you, taking your hand in hers. She traced the soft bumps in your hand, making you look at her. 

"Fate is a... complicated thing." There was a small paused. She looked at you before going back to your hand. It was freaking you out by how you completely look alike but small differences could be found. How the corners of her lips held a small smile, how her eyes held hope and positivity while your lips held a straight line, showing no emotion and your eyes that held nothing more than coldness.

"If you took a different way, you would have been captured, enslaved by some demons or the pirates. Another way, you could have been raised by demons, maybe even by some royals. But your fate took you here, at the hands of shifters." She looked at your confused eyes. She flipped your hand, now tracing your calloused hands.

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