Chapter Twenty-Nine: Maki

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"Chapter Twenty-Nine: My Name Is Maki,"


"Without you, 

I can't breathe, 

I'm nothing without you,"

-Hold Me Tight, BTS


It was cold, the coldest night she has ever felt. Tears streamed down her eyes as she whimpered and hiccuped, the ice settling on her eyelashes and coating her white hair. She rubbed her arms harshly and shakily as she tried to warm herself up, her legging doing absolutely nothing to the knee-deep snow. Her eyes kept streaming tears, the memory of what she witnessed can't disappear from her mind. 

Her knees finally gave in, making her fall to the snow, face first. She kept breathing heavily, pushing her frail and weak body to keep moving forward. She reached out her hand, crying as loud as her tired body could, which was as loud as a mumble, her hand reaching out to a light coming bigger and bigger per second. She gave out a weak, small smile, and before her eyes finally close to rest, a figure wearing a cape appeared in front of her, carrying her cold body into their warm and safe ones.

"We're here," The figure softly said to her, making her smile one last time before submitting themselves to the darkness. 


She opened her eyes, slowly as the blinding light met with her, making her whimper. She tried to move her arms to cover her eyes but all she managed to do was twitch her fingers. She tried to open her mouth and scream for anything but all she did was mumbled incoherent words.

"Hey, it's alright you're safe now," A deep voice spoke from her side, making her turn her head just a bit to see who it was. A man with glasses smiled at her, gesturing to her that she's safe now. She looked at him confused about what is going on. He propped her up, taking big strides to the light, flicking it a couple of times until it dimmed down.

"My name's Bam Bam, I was the one who healed you back just enough that you could get around, "He explained, introducing himself. The child only stared at him, fear still residing in her eyes. Bam Bam pursed his lips before reaching to the side table, offering her some water. She accepted it, shaky hands making Bam Bam guide hers. 

"You don't have to tell me your name but you're a child of vampire, right?" Bam Bam asked slowly, treading on thin ice. The girl only stiffened, looking down on the blanket. The doctor took this as a yes.

"Your mother sent a message to our camp that if ever something happens to her, we would accept you with open arms. That means, your mother's time has come, huh?" Bam Bam muttered the last sentence quietly but it was picked up by the girl's ears, making her break down, pulling her knees to her chest. Bam Bam jumped, surprised by her reaction before feeling guilty. He racked his mind, thinking of something that could lighten up the girl's mood when his eyes widen.

"Would you like to meet who save you from the night before?" Bam Bam suggested, making the girl look up from her knees, before giving a small nod. Bam Bam smiled, standing up and getting the wheelchair at the side of the room, prepping it up before guiding the girl's body to the wheelchair and wheeling her out. 

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