Chapter Thirty-Six: Sweet

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"Chapter Thirty-Six: Tooth-achingly... Sweet-"


"The scent of life that's at once repulsive and not, 

and the cold parks pretending to be warm,"

-Seoul, RM


You handed the plate of toast to Jungkook, who beamed at you before saying his thanks. You smiled back at him as you take a sip from your cup of water.

It was the next day already, you not eating anything since you still haven't fully digested the amount of food you and the oldest ate together. You were now seating beside the two youngest, who were talking about a new strategy to make them train together again. You were slipping in some tips and ideas to make their training more successful, earning agreeing smiles and furious nods. 

Hoseok was munching, listening to the three of you discuss from the other side of the table, a smile pulling the corners of his lips as he watches you rolling your eyes at a random idea of the youngest, visibly comfortable with them. You raised your hand as you tuck in a loose strand of hair, getting the attention of Hoseok. He noticed the new accessory clipped at the side of your head, pinning a part of your hair away from your face. 

"Y/n, where did you get that hair clip?" He asked, genuinely. You looked away from the two, catching the latter's eye contact then gave him a hesitant smile.

"I...bought this yesterday with Jin," You hesitantly answered, receiving confused reactions. You were confused too, not knowing if you really bought it without the permission of the owner of the money. You blinked as you looked at Yoongi, who blinked back. You snapped as you remembered what you were supposed to do.

"Right, almost forgot. Thank you, Yoongs." You beamed at him, making Yoongi tilt his head. he tried to rack his memory to what he had given you that week, but he remembers that the two of you didn't even get to hang out due to his busy schedule. He shared the same perplexed stare his other brothers held and asked what the thank you for when Jin, Namjoon, and Jimin have arrived for their breakfast. 

"She bought that with the card you gave her," Jin answered instead. All of you looked at the trio who entered, greeting them before processing his words. Yoongi had a small knowing smirk at the tips of his lips, decided to bring his cup of tea to his lips to hopefully hide his expression but his brothers saw through it, giving him a subtle glare, unnoticed by you.

Namjoon and Jimin walked behind you, greeting you with a pat on your head, Jimin sliding his hand down to your shoulder before squeezing it gently. You tilted your head at them as you sip on your water, waving at them before return back to your normal position. 

"Hey, Darling." You choked loudly before coughing as you hid your head below the table. Taehyung panicked, grabbing your glass of water and rubbing your back while the others only stared incredulously at the oldest, who cooly walked past all of them and sat down at the opposite side of you. 

Changkyun, who was just keeping all of your company by standing at the side, watching as all of you eat, suddenly turned around, pursed his lips as he hid his face in his palm. He felt so jumpy at that moment, hearing the prince actually call his Luna 'Darling' and you actually sounding so shocked about it brought him unexplainable joy and excitement about the bonding of his Kings and Queen.

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