3. Why?

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    "So you mean to say we grab random passersby and throw the blame on them?" I asked for the fifth time and Sebastian nodded his head and let out a sigh, he was constantly checking his watch

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"So you mean to say we grab random passersby and throw the blame on them?" I asked for the fifth time and Sebastian nodded his head and let out a sigh, he was constantly checking his watch.

"Sebastian, you haven't cleared my doubts" I inform him and stared at the grave of our senior, Callan.

"Zel, I promise I will answer your questions, now follow me out" He glared at me and proceeded ahead towards the gate. With the shovel in his left hand and the gloves in right one.

"Where are we going, though?" I asked him but either way, he didn't hear me or ignored me.

"Do you think someone will be strolling in a graveyard in the middle of the night?" He mocked and continued to walk, I sprinted behind him. I have no choice except to follow him.

"So we are going to find anyone who catches our eyes and..." I whispered but dared not complete the sentence as I saw his grip tightened on the shovel a clear sign that he is frustrated. Will, he just kill me? No, he won't kill me not now but maybe will blackmail me not kill me. I switched to over-thinking mode and quietly remained close to his back afraid to speak again.

"Zel-" before he could say something related to his plan my leg tripped on what I guess was a stone or something and I tried to hold on to Sebastian's shoulder for support but that backfired and both of us fell, me on Sebastian's back kinda uninjured while he fell facedown and hit the ground. Honestly, I am not heavy but a fall is a fall and it hurts, I guess.  


This happened quickly that neither of us had a reaction time

"Ouch," he muttered under his breath my hands on his shoulder blades, my nose close to his neck.

"Zel~" he groaned in pain and I quickly placed my hands onto either side of the ground in an attempt to stand up.

"Sorry" I whispered and sat down next to him, the next second he flips himself and lays down on his back, though his breathing is normal, he rubs his forehead and that is when I notice it. I crawled next to him, swiftly extended my right hand, placed the thumb under his nose to wipe the blood meanwhile he stared at me.

"I didn't mean to, I am so sorry" I began to apologize and he caught my hand in mid-air and we locked our eyes.

"That is fine, I am good" He informed me and suddenly yanked us up from the sitting position still maintaining a death grip on my wrist.

"Ouch" I squeaked in pain and he let go of my hand

"What?" He growled at me with an angry tone and rage-filled eyes.

"Why are you mad?" I whispered and broke our eye contact and fixed my gaze at the bare ground underneath my feet so that he will continue to walk, but I could feel his eyes fixed on me.

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