17. Mine

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A/N *Clears throat  So we are nearing the end

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A/N *Clears throat  So we are nearing the end... things will get messy, stay tuned, and thanks for being here...  And this chapter will be kinda fluffy... So enjoy Ok bye!!! 

  It was not long before a streak of tears ran down my cheeks, more than physical pain it was like he had stabbed me right through my heart. That painful feeling when someone close to you hurts you.

My sobs filled in the room as I saw Seth glaring at Sebastian, his hands crossed over his chest.

   "Why would you hurt him?" Seth shouted and turned towards Sebastian, his hand hanging in the air, with his eyes on me, I could hear his breathing.

Without uttering a word, I turned around with a hand over my cheek. I bit on my lips trying to control my feelings and a metallic taste entered my mouth. Why is he so pissed at me?

   "Zel, please I am so sorry, don't leave" Sebastian gripped my wrist with his shivering hand. "Give me a damn reason" I shouted, jerking free from his grip turned my back without looking at him.

   "Please, I was worried, frustrated, and angry" He reasoned with his voice coming out as a whisper. His anger issues are his problem, that shouldn't mean that he can go around hurting people.

   "Zel, if you leave I will die, I swear please forgive me" I heard his footsteps behind me, with my hand around the doorknob I stifled back a sob and turned around to see Sebastian on his knees, his always sparkling ice-blue eyes were watery and red from crying.

   "Azazel, maybe-" Seth tried to butt in from behind a worried frown on his face, why is he so concerned?

   "Stay out of this" I flipped him off with my hand. He gave me a disappointed look but did not speak up. That was when I felt Sebastian's hands around my legs, locking me on my spot.

   "Please, I am sorry for hurting you, I cannot let you go" He begged in front of me, I tried my best not to fall on him.

   "Sebastian, let go" I put my hands on his shoulder to balance myself and push him away but contrary to the fact he hugged my knees tightly, sobbing up and begging for forgiveness.

   "I don't want to be alone again, don't leave" He kept on repeating, I stood there trying to maintain my balance. I looked back and forth eyeing Sebastian and Seth, Seth's watery eyes told the same story I should not leave Sebastian.

   "Please, I love you, don't leave me" Sebastian was repeating the same thing. He dug his nails in my leg, gripping them tightly. Letting out a sigh I crouched at his eye level, cupping his cheeks with my hands, a smile crept on his face. Who would have thought after taking lives, Sebastian would be on his knees in front of his boyfriend.

   "I will not leave, please stop hurting people" Our foreheads touched, we stared at each other for a minute. "Guys, I am still here" Seth called from behind, snapping his fingers, that guy is just unpredictable.

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