7. Surprise!

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A/N Sorry for the late updates! Enjoy!!!

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A/N Sorry for the late updates! Enjoy!!!

    "Zel, wake up" I heard a feminine voice next to me but the voice sounded concerned and caring, I groaned in reply and pulled the blanket over my head. I still feel tired and sleepy.

    "Leave me alone" I whispered from my blanket and turned around with my back facing the person

    "Azazel, get up now" Another voice shouted at me and nearly scaring me to death. I quickly sat upright with the blanket on my lap, rubbing my eyes and trying to make out the identity of the two people in the room.

    The person who shouted at me was a nurse in white uniform, standing opposite to me right at the edge of my bed, her auburn hair tied back in a bun, and black orbs glared at me behind her black-framed spectacles. I know her very well, she is Nurse Audrey. We don't sync in together very well, but given the fact that she is Dr. Reign's assistant I have to tolerate her, I dart my eyes towards the other person, my mom

    "Mom" I scooted closer to her as she embraced me into a tight hug

    "Zel, you scared me to death" she spoke up in a shaky voice, she was crying because of me. I hate myself so much and because of me, she has to go through everything.

    "Mom I am so sorry I didn't mean to" I answer quickly and cry out as tears run down my cheeks. I feel miserable about being so careless. She pulls back, I can see her shoulder-length raven hair, and amber eyes, casual blue jeans, and navy blue sweater. She grabbed my arm, standing from the chair, and sat next to me on the bed.

    "I am sorry" I repeat to apologize and feel her hand wipe my tears.

    "It's fine, dear I am here with you" she whispers with her watery eyes, I love her because she is always here for me, the problem is I am not listening and going out to murder people with my best friend, It was his plan, Sebastian dragged me into this mess.

    The door opened up to reveal Dr. Reign with the same white coat, navy blue jeans, white shirt.

    "Hi, Zel" he greets me with a smile, how he is always smiling. Nurse Audrey walks next to him.

    "Morning" I reply with a yawn.

    "Zel, it is almost noon" he chuckles and walks close to me, he is quite honest with me when it comes to talking stuff.

     "I am hungry" I changed the topic rapidly as I heard my stomach growling and put my hands on my stomach. That is the moment when I register that there is a small white-colored wrist band on my right wrist, my and Dr. Reign's name on it. That means I am not going home anytime soon.

    "Patience, Zel" Reign took a seat next to me on the chair, his eyes diverting towards my mother. I pout and stare at him but he ignores me.

    "Mrs. Ridge, nice to see you, can I borrow your son for a minute?" Reign smiled, mom gave him a look before she sighed and stood up.

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