10. Stalker

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    "Azazel Ridge" The officer took me by surprise, while I was zoned out, trying to ignore the fact that we would be in jail by tomorrow morning for sure

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    "Azazel Ridge" The officer took me by surprise, while I was zoned out, trying to ignore the fact that we would be in jail by tomorrow morning for sure.

    "Y-Yeah" I took a step back and glanced at the blue-uniformed officer who had just called me, a blue cap covering his brunette hair, his black eyes steady on me as if waiting to pounce on me.

    He took a step forward but Sebastian raised his hand.

    "Officer, sorry to interrupt but I guess Zel is nervous, so if you don't mind we can talk here as it is just two of us so we don't feel comfortable" Sebastian reasoned with the officer and he beckoned me to come forward. I'm telling you, it's really scary, I can feel my legs will give out any time, my heart pounding like crazy. I gulped and stood next to Sebastian, he quickly put his arm around my waist as a sign of protection.

    "Did I cause you any trouble?" I gathered up the strength and spoke up in a completely innocent tone.

    "I am here to ask you about the death of Callan and Eddie, I believe they were your classmates." The officer cleared his throat and he was pretty straightforward.

    "What about them?" I tried my best not to shiver or stutter, or show any sign that would make him suspicious of me.

    "I presume you got a call from Callan a few weeks ago" He continued and asked me but I was speechless, is he testing me or something. Did Reign bail me out? No, he won't do that, never...

    "So the thing is, it was a prank call" I controlled my breath and whispered. I heard Sebastian snicker under his breath. I was sweating so badly.

    "A prank call, so what did he say?" the officer asked calmly as he produced a small notepad from his pocket, to jot down whatever they are supposed to jot down.

    "Umm- he was screaming for help I guess-" I hesitated for a minute before crafted a lie and then swiftly answered.

    "He was screaming for help and you thought it was a prank?" he looked at me, what was his deal. I felt a bit dizzy. It was too much to take in. I want some peace.

    "I am not sure" I pinched the bridge of my nose and avoided any type of eye contact with him.

    "What do you mean you are not sure? That kid was probably taking his last breath and you are telling me it was a prank" he nearly screamed at me, taking a step towards me, Sebastian pulled me behind his back. I could feel my eyes getting watery.

    "Please, I can't remember it clearly" I whispered as the first tear left my eyes, this time I genuinely wanted to forget everything. Pure anger plastered over the officer's face. Before he could open his mouth, Sebastian spoke up.

    "Officer that is enough, I am asking you to leave because Zel cannot handle this kind of pressure, and adding to it he just got discharged," Sebastian said, matching his voice with the officer's tone.

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