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"I love you too"

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"I love you too"

    I tailed Sebastian, my arms snaked around his waist as we prepared my favorite and the only dish Sebastian can cook. Spaghetti!! He did most of the cooking. I followed him like a baby koala. Seth and Sebastian argued upstairs for about fifteen minutes before Seth silently made his way inside the living room, crashing on the sofa, and even refused to cook.

   "Babe, your leg must be hurting, just let go" Sebastian smiled and turned around, " No" I pouted and held my ground. Sebastian crossed his arms over his chest, staring at my ambers. "Stubborn" Sebastian whispers, sporting a smile, and turns around, frantically picking vessels and throwing some of them in the sink. Honestly, the kitchen top is a mess.

   "Here, sit down, you don't want me out of your eyes, right?" Sebastian points towards the empty top next to the stove, I nod and sit atop the kitchen top, my legs hanging in the air.

   "I cannot believe this is our last day" Sebastian stood in front of me, tears in his eyes, he was sobbing, his palms on my knees. "Hey don't frame it like we are going to die tomorrow" I pulled him closer, assuring him, as his tears wet my t-shirt. I can hear his sobs.

    "I will protect you, no matter what" Sebastian muttered, his hands gripping the back of my t-shirt, my ankles locked his waist, and my fingers through his silky blond locks.

    "I know you will protect me" I broke down in sobs, as a second thought crossed about my parents and how they will react when they think what we did. . . "Sebastian, I am scared" Now my mind realized the decision I made was indeed wrong, but I can't back off, not after persuading Sebastian. The fact that he agreed to confess is unbelievable.

    "I am here, Zel don't worry no one will harm you" Sebastian rubs a hand over my back, I close my eyes shutting my mind for a minute, feeling Sebastian's warmth and his sweet smell.

    "Enough with the crying, let's eat" Sebastian wiped his tears, staring at me as he pulled back "Come on, give me a smile." Sebastian extends his palm to caress my cheek, but how will I ever be able to smile when all we can do is wait for the day to end, after that everything will change again.

    "Zel, I am sorry" Sebastian muttered. "All of this I did was just out of love, but I never meant to drag you" Just his words were enough for me to start crying again, it is too much to handle. "It is fine" I answered, choking back a sob, gripping his wrist, "We will be fine" I smiled at him as he retreated his hand and fumbled through the mess fishing and holding out two plates of spaghetti.

    "Let's eat outside" Sebastian informs and I follow him out, to find Seth on the sofa, his knees hugging his chest, this time there is no trace of his earphones. From what I can witness is that Seth is indulged in deep thought, the blank expression doesn't suit him. I have never seen him like this. Sebastian clears his throat to get mine and Seth's attention.

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