13. Because I love you

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A/N Hey

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A/N Hey... the new chapter is here...

Trigger warnings: Slight violence, emotional breakdown: Yes...

"Sebastian, what is going on?" I asked him, as my eyes refused to leave Randy's glare. He was squirming since we entered the room. Sitting close to him scared me as I noticed the black eye. Seth put down the box of pizza and grabbed Randy's bicep to help him sit with the small bed behind him acting as the support.

I and Sebastian sat right in front of Randy and Seth sat next to Randy.

"We are here to enjoy pizza, right Randy?" Sebastian spoke with a cold tone and hissed his name. He let go of my hand and I scooted closer to him, my hands around his waist.

Seth opened the box of pizza, and a delicious aroma settled across the room, my mouth watered as I licked my lips. Impulsively my hands slid towards the box to grab a slice.

Sebastian gripped my wrist before I could get my hands on it.

"First we will hear a story from our dear friend Randy as to how he discovered the truth" Sebastian suggested, he is playing games with Randy. Now it is more terrifying, I guess they did plan everything in advance.

"What?" I asked in confusion and Randy was terrified too when Sebastian spoke up. Seth nodded in agreement.

Before I could comprehend what was happening, Seth harshly pulled the tape from Randy's mouth and what followed were the heavy breaths he took.

"Ahh- you psychopaths let me-" I shut my eyes as he shouted at the top of his voice, but soon after that everything was silent again with only his muffled curses being audible. I opened my eyes to witness that Seth's hand was clamped over his mouth.

"Did we tell you to speak?" Sebastian growled and undid my hands from his waist. He raised his hand towards Randy.

"Wait!" I quickly stood up and grabbed his hand mid-air. Our eyes made contact for a second but then he jerked free his hand from my grip.

"Zel please don't interfere" he turned around with his back towards me.

"Why do you want to kill everyone around me?" I asked him and looked at Seth, his face tensed up but still maintaining his grip on Randy's mouth.

"That is because I love you, I can't let you get hurt-try to understand" he fisted his palm, his voice sounded frustrated as he slowly turned towards me.

"For that? You have taken how many- umm -four lives" I paused for a minute before recollecting the number in my mind, with my hands on my lap, breathless as I said this.

"Four?" Seth and Sebastian spoke in unison shocked by my response. Sebastian crossed his hands over his chest and leaned closer, narrowing his ice-blue eyes on me.

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