12. Little Secret

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A/N So finally the secret will be revealed

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A/N So finally the secret will be revealed... buckle up

     I groaned as the sides of my neck were burning like hell, my mind assured me that it's fine, someone saved me. Calm down.

    "Ahh" I moaned and slowly opened my eyes to find myself in Sebastian's room, on Sebastian's bed with a blond sitting crossed-legged beside the bed, earphones plugged in, his ice-blue eyes focused on the screen.

    He looked up and stared at me for a second... am I hallucinating or something? Because he looks exactly like Sebastian!!! Believe me, like a carbon copy!!

    "Oh Azazel, thank god you are awake" He smiled and stood up.

    "Wait, you are not Sebastian" I pointed at him and rubbed my eyes, thinking and hoping to maybe wake up after all when he shifted back and forth in his place. He ran a hand through his blond locks and talked on the phone in another.

    "Yeah, I am-" he had to stop mid-sentence when the door opened with a loud thud right at the guy's face. Ouch. That must have hurt badly. He collapsed on the floor.

    "Are you fine?" I swiftly stood forgetting about my neck, I crouched next to him, he let out a groan.

    "Ahh... Seth, what were you doing?" Sebastian also crouched next to him and hugged him. In the same way, he hugged me when I got knocked down.

    "Sebastian you should really knock before entering the room" I advised him when he let go of Seth. He smiled at me and stood up.

    "Yeah you are right, I will take care next time" He extended his hand to help Seth and NOT ME!

    "You fine there brother? Come I will put a bandage on your nose, I don't want it to bleed" He gripped Seth's wrist and winked at me, still leaving me on the ground. I cannot believe he did not offer me a hand.

    "Be right back, Zel" Sebastian told me and both of them made their way towards the bathroom. I dared not to move and sat there with clenched fists resting on my lap, my eyes shut. How can he just change like that? Sebastian should have helped me to stand up but he did not, why? Even though I am injured, hell someone tried to choke me and he is ignoring me.

    I felt tears in my eyes, is Sebastian fed up with me? Usually, he would hug me or give me a peck on my forehead whenever he would see me. 'Sebastian' I whispered under my breath and rubbed my eyes, trying my best to hold on to my tears. He has become my whole world. I can't live without him.

    With my eyes still shut I felt someone caress my cheek, the warmth and feeling are so familiar.

    "Oh babe, so sorry for making you cry" Sebastian was right in front of me, his other palm on my knee. With my watery eyes, I stifled back a sob.

    "What are you talking about?" I whispered and scooted closer to him with my head buried in his chest. He placed his chin on my shoulders and ran his hand through my hair.

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