5. Go Away

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    "Sebastian, you will hurt her as well," I asked him as he picked the girl in his arms and turned his back towards me

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    "Sebastian, you will hurt her as well," I asked him as he picked the girl in his arms and turned his back towards me. Her facial features were still visible on a moonless night, she seemed relaxed... another creepy observation.

    "You want me to hurt her" he replied but did not turn around to meet my eyes.

     "No. Please don't hurt her" I immediately replied with quick hand gestures and heard him snort under his breath.

    "If you insist I won't hurt but we need her to take the blame so... maybe" He started again and left me hanging as if he knew what he meant by his maybe...

     "You can blackmail her if I find out that you hurt her then-" I was about to say that I won't tolerate his act but he cut me off

    "Yes, Zel I won't hurt her, I swear it on your name I won't do anything bad to her except talking to her" He stated, walking towards the door of his house. He is leaving me like that?

    "Hey, what should I do?" I shouted behind him as his mind had already decided to abandon me in the middle of the night after committing two murders and minor injury to a random girl.

    "Zel, I would have welcomed you wholeheartedly in my house but your mother will suspect your disappearance in the middle of the night and that will not leave a good impression on the cops, correct?" Sebastian firmly explained, in a way he is correct mom would ask me a dozen of questions about my whereabouts and stuff. What did he mean by cops? I made a mental note of that question.

    "Correct, I should get going" I turned around, avoiding his presence and still trying to deal with the stuff that happened tonight. I wrapped my hands around my hoodie and covered my hair. What if that girl breaks free? It is simple you will go to jail, but hey on the bright side you will go to juvie, I guess since you are sixteen. The annoying voice in my head informed me. So the voice found something optimistic out of this situation as well. Great!

    "Zel" Sebastian shouted, God! Isn't he afraid of someone overhearing us or something?

    "What?" I shouted back and guess what, I didn't care if we get caught, I turned back to face him.

    "Take care, will see you tomorrow and throw away your clothes" He informed me. The latter part did catch my attention. I would throw these clothes away without giving it a second thought. Before that let's have fun.

    "But Sebastian this is my favorite hoodie, I can't throw it away" I yelled back with a smirk resting on my face, a little humor after some serious killing is a good distraction. Believe me, this is the only black hoodie I have, what will I do without a black hoodie?

    "Zel, seriously now you are making a fuss for a hoodie." To my surprise, Sebastian turned towards me and stared at me, not me at my hoodie I guess.

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