15. Lies

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As evident, I had no nightmares, but still, it felt lonely to wander in complete darkness. The following morning seemed much better both physically and mentally as compared to the last night.

Again I felt void next to me, fluttering open my eyes. I found that Sebastian had woken up earlier than me, he takes proper care of his health, this was even before his sudden change of personality. I still feel lucky to be with him, don't get me wrong as I did mention he is different, insanely different. From now I will have to take care he doesn't try to kill anyone else.

I scanned up the perfectly organized room as my eyes found something black, slim, and rectangular Damn! My phone...

I stood up, almost a day has passed since I had used my phone. It was flooded with messages and missed calls, when I say flooded it means from one person as I don't like to socialize and people didn't want to talk to a poor soul who went crazy after he lost his sister. They would never know what I went through. I don't care now... the only person I can think of is Sebastian.

Back to my phone, all missed calls are from mom, seven to be precise. I clicked on her name and held it against my ear, rubbing my eyes. She picked up after two rings.

"Zel, honey, Thank god! Are you alright?" She asked me, I can clearly detect that she is in a hurry through her quick speech and jumping directly to point instead of greeting me 'Good Morning' its not like I want her to greet me but then this is worrying me too.

"Yeah, mom I am absolutely fine, why do you ask?" I told her, something is off the tracks.

"A friend of yours by the name of Randy visited home yesterday and he seemed pretty annoyed when I told him you are not home" Shit! I completely forgot that Randy visited mom yesterday and if I tell her that I met him then it might raise some suspicion later on, but then if his parents report him missing then also suspicion will be raised because the last person he was trying to find was ME. Now what 'Think Zel, Think of something'

"Mom, I did meet him but then as you raised the point he was in a bad mood because he is Callan's brother and I was the last person who talked to Callan before he was found dead" I gulped and closed my eyes before the word 'dead' left my mouth. I cannot hide it from her, she is my mom, my friend who had done so much for me. She keeps things to her and never even asks me any questions, not at all like the other parents who are strict with their kids. That is because she has faith and trust that I will never do anything wrong. I feel guilty about lying to her.

"Zel, if you don't feel good you can come back, it is not I am not keeping my words. It would be great if you come by as dad is coming home" Just by hearing my dad visiting cheered my mood a smile spread across my face, dad visits us twice a month and no he is not into any kind of dangerous business he is actually a-

"Zel, are you there?" mom asked me from the other end, while I was stupidly getting excited about meeting dad.

"Yeah, I will be there for lunch" I informed her in a cheerful tone, this level of excitement increased to point that I tossed the phone on the bed, after hanging up, and sprinted towards the bathroom grabbing a fresh change of clothes.

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