18. ZEL♡

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A/N Hi there so yeah this chapter will have Yandere personality as the main focus

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A/N Hi there so yeah this chapter will have Yandere personality as the main focus.                

Yandere word originates from Japan usually found in mangas and anime, which means LOVESTRUCK yandere lovers would be sweet, caring in the start but later on turn into extreme psychotics, showing violence. Further on there are many types of Yandere but in my story, the Yandere lover is so caring that they will be willing to kill anyone and engage in self-harming just to show their love!! Ok, not giving too much A/N

The next time I opened my eyes, I was sleeping next to Sebastian, feeling his hands locking my waist. I pushed the blanket and tried to sit up with utmost care to not wake him up. He looks really cute with blond locks over his forehead but his hands were shaking, his breath was also audible. Another strange thing, he was wearing a black hoodie.

'You are mine' his voice echoed through my ears, he drugged me, but why? I am not going to run away. Remembering his smile I think he is becoming over-possessive about me. Is it a case of something called yandere??

If he is acting like a possessive lover then it is dangerous for both of us. With all these muddled thoughts I stood up from the bed, to run away and find Seth. I had crossed half-length of the bed when I heard a metallic clink-clank of chain, simultaneously feeling a tight tug around my right ankle. The consequence was a shrieked scream leaving my mouth before I fell on the floor.

"Ouch!!" Supporting myself on palms my eyes dropped down on my right ankle, to find a metallic cuff around it, with a chain linking it to one of the legs of Sebastian's bed.

My face went pale at the horrendous situation, why would Sebastian chain me to his bed, is he fearing the fact that I will run away again? In the middle of all the thinking, I heard a yawn as Sebastian opened his eyes, with a lazy grin.

"Morning, babe" he greeted me as if nothing had happened, I pursed my lips together and tugged the chains in my shivering hands pulling it.

"You must be startled, let me help you" He quickly planted his feet on the floor and walked towards me, extending his right hand, as we sat on his bed, while I was still shocked about everything that was happening.

"What is this? Why did you chain me like this... get me out of here now" I faced him, rattling the chains in front of his eyes, but all he did was smile back at me as if everything here is totally normal.

"What are you smiling at? Get me out of these chains now!!" I demanded shakily. He looked at the chains and dropped them on the floor with a clinking sound. He gripped my wrist and pulled me closer hugging me, with his other hand on my back, my chin resting on his shoulders.

"Babe, didn't I tell you I am not letting you go. Yesterday was my mistake to leave you behind under Seth's eyes " He slowly explained it to me, speaking next to my ears. "So what, first things first, you get me out of the chains, it feels uncomfortable" I backed up, crossing my arms over my chest.

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