What are we?

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Dixie POV:
It's been almost two months since I broke up with Griffin. I have been feeling better about myself and didn't really care for him anymore. Me and Noah have been hanging out more than we usually did and he came over everyday. He even stays over most of the time. I feel we have gotten closer and our chemistry is crazy. I don't know if he feels the same way but I really want to tell him. I kept thinking about it. We have been friends for how long? What if we broke up? Would we be friends again?! Would I lose my number one best friend?! I couldn't risk that. Maybe we should just stay friends and let the feeling die out. I have been trying that for the past week! It's not working. My love for him grows stronger and stronger! I don't know what to do. Right in the middle on me thinking Noah comes out of the bathroom SHIRTLESS!!! He looked so hot I couldn't contain myself. I caught myself starting at him. "Hey eyes up here ma'am" he said chuckling. "Oh hahah right." I said embarrassed. He came closer to me, making chills go through my body. "Were you checking me out Ms. Damelio?" He said with a smirk on his face. He made me want to melt right then and there. "Maybe, who knows?" I say wrapping my hands around his neck. He placed his hands on my waist and ours faces were an inch away. Was I going to kiss him? You know what don't hold back Dixie. I move closer to his face and kiss his soft lips. When our lips touched it felt like fireworks went off in my body. It was so magical. I knew he felt it to. He picked me up and my legs wrapped around his torso. He didn't break the kiss. We kept kissing, neither one of us wanting it to end. He placed me on the kitchen counter holding my thighs. I felt butterflies in my stomach kissing him as his tongue explored my mouth. I didn't want it to end but 5 minutes later my phone went off. I kept kissing Noah trying to ignore it. "Dix you should get that, what if it is important?" He said pulling away. "Ok fineeee" I got off the counter and grabbed my phone. It was Charli. I answered.

D: what do you want char?
C: sheesh someone's feisty, I just wanted to know if you and Noah wanted to come to Saddle Ranch with me, and couple other friends?
D: sure, what time?
C: in an hour
D: okay see you then

I hung up and went over to Noah. "Who was that?" He asked. "Oh it was char, she wanted to know if we wanted to go to Saddle Ranch in an hour, I told yes is that okay?" " that's fine" he said heading over to the bed room. "If it's in an hour, I am going to get ready." He said closing the door to the bedroom. I couldn't stop thinking about the kisses we shared. It was like a dream come true! I came to think of it. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Our friendship means everything to me. But I want to be in a relationship with him. I don't know anymore!

An hour later, me and Noah are ready to go to Saddle Ranch. When we arrived, Charli, chase, and a bunch of our other friends were already there. "Hey guys! What took you so long?" Charli said suspicious. "Oh Mr. Beck over here took so long to get ready!" I said smirking at Noah. "Me?! You were the one still putting makeup on while we got out to the car." He smirked back at me. We sat down and had a good time. In the middle of our conversation, Blake said something. "Hey Dixie, so are you and Noah dating?" I looked at Noah and then back at Blake. "Of course not! I would never date my best friend!" I said. I guess I made my choice. I valued a friendship with Noah that has been going on for years than a relationship that you never know if it will end of not.

Noah POV:
I faked a smile as Dixie said those words. I guess the kiss we shared meant nothing to her. I liked her a lot. I think I may even love her. She never felt the same way. Why did I waste my time on her if she never loved me. Why. "I-I need a minute" I said walking away from the table. Dixie followed after me knowing I wasn't okay. "Hey Noah, what's wrong." she said after she caught up with me. We were far away from the table, outside of the restaurant behind a building. "It's nothing I'm fine" I said sitting on the floor, holding back my tears. "If you are fine, then why are you here sitting on the floor?!" She said looking down at me. "FINE! You want to know the problem! Your the problem! I love you Dixie! And you don't seem to love me back! I'm wasting all my time trying to get with you, and you say you will never date me. What happened to kisses we shared. Did they mean nothing? Were you just leading me on?!" I said standing back up letting the tears fall down my face. Dixie stood their speechless from what came out of his mouth. "Noah I-I, the kiss we shared meant every single thing to me! I think we are better off as friends, I value our friendship more than anything. What if is dating doesn't work out then I will lose you either way I don't want to risk it." She said looking at me. I couldn't even look her in the eyes. "It doesn't matter anymore Dixie, you'll lose me either way. If you loved me like I loved you then you would risk having a relationship with me. I guess you don't think we will work out. You can find another ride home tonight, I'm leaving. And also I'll be at your place in the afternoon to pick up my clothes." I walked away with tears in my eyes. "NOAH! pls don't leave me." She said falling to the ground sobbing. "I-I can't lose you. I'm sorry I'm not able to risk it all for you. I love you." As she said that I turn around. "Dixie this is so confusing, first you tell me we can't date, and we are besties, and now you tell me you love me?! What are we then?!" I say going closer to her. She looks up at me and gets up with tears in eyes. "I-I don't know" she said looking down. "Call me when you make up your damn mind." I say getting into my car and driving off.

Word count: 1170

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