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6 months later: (sorry for the long jump)

Dixie POV:
"Bubba! Come on we are going to be late for court!" I scream to the bedroom. "Ok. Ok! I coming!" Noah said from bedroom. He comes out in the bedroom and puts on his shoes. "Okay we ready?" He said looking me up and down. "Yes! And you look rather handsome." I say putting my hands around his neck. He kisses me, grabs my hand then dashes out the door. It's been 6 months since the whole situation at the girls spa trip. I decided that I was going to take him to court. We have been in and out of court for 6 months and today was finally our last day. We were going to see if we won the case. Me and Noah's relationship has also gotten stronger. We have been dating for 7 months now and they have been the best months of my life. I couldn't do this without him. Once we got to the court office our lawyer texted me saying she was already inside. "Bubba I'm nervous." I said holding onto Noah's hand tight. He grabbed me by my waist and kissed me. "Look at me, you are going to do great. We are going to win this case." I kissed him back and took his hand again. After 2 hours of being in court we had won the case. "Bubba we did it! We won!" I say running to Noah. He picked me up, spun me around and kissed me. "I knew we would do it bub." He said hugging me tight. "Congratulations you two. The lawsuit is in the making, he is going to jail for a long time and you will get your money soon. It was nice working with you both." She said shaking our hands. "Thank you so much again." Noah's says. We walk to our car. I couldn't stop smiling. "He got what he deserved. I can't believe he had raped more than 20 girls. He deserved to be in jail." I said looking at Noah. He put his hand on my thigh. "He got what he deserved." "Let's go home! I am making dinner tonight!" I say excited. When we get home, I flop onto the couch. I was up all night thinking about today. I wanted to take a nap since there was nothing to worry about anymore.

Noah POV:
I walk over to the living room. "Hey bu-." I see her cuddled up on the couch asleep. She didn't much sleep for this past week thinking about today. She could finally rest. I scoop her up in my arms. She snuggles into my chest. I take her into the bedroom and put her under the covers. She goes over to hug the side I sleep on to realize I'm not there. "BABBBYYYYY!!" She yells with her eyes still closed. I jump. "Bub. Shhhh I'm right here what's wrong." I say going up to her and stroking her hair. "Come cuddle with meee." She said opening her arms. I laugh and get on top of her. I lay my head on her stomach and she massages my hair. "Bub do you want to change into something more comfortable?" I said getting up. "Mmmm maybe come back!" She said reaching for me. I chuckle. "Bub I'll be back in a second. I want to change out of this outfit and out something comfy on." I started to unbuckle my pants when out of the corner of my eye I see Dixies eyes wide open. "Not sleepy anymore huh?" I say taking my pants off and having only boxers on. She looked me up and down. "Mhmm- uh-h n-not s-sleepy anymore." I laughed as I put on sweats. "Why are you stuttering baby?" I say smirking at her. "No reason." She said biting her lip. I start to unbutton my shirt when I hart Dixie mutter something under her breath. "Your so hot." I go closer to her. "What did you say Ms. Damelio?" I said smirking at her. "Oh nothing." She said pulling me in for a kiss. She unbuttoned the rest of my shirt and took it me. I pull away. "Not today bub, I thought you were tired." She looked at me and frowned. "But bubba please! I'm not tired anymore." I look at her and chuckle. "Maybe another night, come on let's get you changed and then cuddle." She giggled as I took her out of bed and sat her at the edge of the bed. I took off her shirt. I went into her closet and got her pjs. She was still sitting there. "Bub, I thought you would atleast get undressed so that you could change!" I said looking at her. "I want you to!" She grabbing me closer. I smile at her. I take off her pants so all she has are under garments on. I put her in sweats then take off her bra. I look around for the hoodie I brought out for her. "Bub where did you put the hoodie?" I said looking around for it. "She looked at me smirking. "I don't need a sweater! I can just stay like this." She said coming up to me and kissing me. "Bab- you know what done do what you want to do put don't complain when it gets cold for you." I said as she laid under the covers. I got under the covers and but my head in between her boobs. She didn't move me and played with my hair. I eventually end up falling asleep.

Dixie POV:
A couple minutes later Noah as asleep. He was so cute when he slept. I just continued to play with his hair as I fall asleep. A couple hours later around dinner time I wake up. I look down to see Noah sleeping on my chest. I just look at him before I wake him up. I play with his hair and whisper to him. "Hey baby it's time to wake up." He slowly opened his eyes and our eyes meet. He came up to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Mmm what time is it? How long did we sleep for?" He said getting off of me. "Mmm for a couple hours. Wait come back!! You were making me warm!" I said pouting and reaching for him to come back. He throws a sweater at me. "But this on bub, I'm going to go use the bathroom." He said chuckling then going into the bathroom.

Word count: 1107

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