Never hurt you

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"I'm sorry Noah please don't hurt me!" I said backing away from him. He keeps walking towards me clenching his fists. I was sobbing, not knowing what he was going to do to me. "Noah please! This is not like you." Before I knew it, I hit the corner of the kitchen, no where else to go. I started to breathe heavily. "P-please d-dont hurt me. I didn't mean to hurt you!" I looked him into his eyes. I saw the rage and anger in his eyes what was once love and passion. The Noah I used to know was taken over by this monster. He didn't want to love me, he wanted to hurt me. "You hurt me more than anyone Dixie! You will pay!" He hovered over me, he felt like a huge monster coming to attack. "I will do anything! Noah stop!" He ignored me and grabbed my wrists. It felt like he was breaking every bone in my body. "Please STOP!"

"No Noah please!" I woke up, sweating and trembling. I had tears rolling down my cheeks Noah woke up and sat beside me. "Dix what's wrong?" What's it a nightmare? It felt so real. It's like I could feel it. It was like my nightmare started halfway, I didn't know why he was mad at me.

Noah touched my thigh and I flinched. "Baby what's wrong?" I look at him eyes wide. This time, instead of like in my dreams, I saw love and worry.

I flinched when Noah touched me. I never flinched. Just the thought of him grabbing wrists scarred me. It was like I could feel it, like it was actually happening. I knew he would never lay a hand on me. I just needed space "I-I don't know. I-I just need space." I look at him with tears in my eyes. He takes his hand off my thigh, and looks at me. "Space? From me? It's 2 am." A cold shiver went down my back. "Please." He sighs and takes his pillow and a blanket over to the couch. He leaves the door open and I watch as he sets up his stuff on the couch.

Why did I push Noah away? What was my nightmare even about? All I saw was Noah trying to hurt me. I flinched when Noah touched me. Was I scared of him? I didn't know anymore but I felt bad for pushing him away.

I tried to fall asleep but I kept looking behind me to find no one there. Even though lhe was just in the living room, I still missed him. I didn't know if I should go over there. I didn't know if I would flinch again.

2 hours later I was still rolling over and over, I could hear Noah sound asleep. I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to try and call Noah. "Noah, NOAH!" I whispered then yelled. He fell off the couch and rubbed his eyes as he groaned. He came over to me and stood by the door.

"Yes dix? You called me again? Are you going to tell me why you sent me to the couch?" I giggle a little. "Can you come back? And no tomorrow I don't have the energy." He grabs his pillow and comes back into bed. "May I?" He holds out his hands and I crawl into his chest. I wrap my whole body around him. His touch this time made me feel happy and safe.

The next morning I woke up to my body being wrapped around Noah. I look at his sleepy face and stare at him.

I didn't want to think about it, but the nightmare kept creeping back into my mind, making me shake and tremble. Noah wakes up to the feelings of me trembling.

"Baby what's wrong? Do you want to talk about last night?" I look at him. I sit up and look at him. "I-I had a nightmare, about you." He sits up beside me. He looks at me to continue.

"Y-you tried to hurt me, and when I looked into your eyes all I could see was hatred. It felt real, like you actually were hurting me." I started to cry and Noah's expression softened.

It hurt to see that Dixie thought that Noah would ever hit her like that, or even lay a hand on her. "Baby you know I would never touch you or lay a hand on you, I promise."

I look up at him and he wipes my tears with his hand. He holds my cheek and I place my hand on top of his. "You promise." He held out his pinkie and I took it. "Pinky promise."

I throw myself into him and hug him tight. He hugged my back even tighter and he kissed my head. "I just want you to know that I would never hurt you, or even touch you okay?" I look up at him and nod.

"I love you." I said placing a kiss on his lips. He kissed back. "I love you so much more." I cuddled up into his chest.

A couple hours later, me and Noah decided to watch a movie, so we cuddled in bed abs for our favorite snacks and movie out. I cuddled on his chest and I was awoke falling asleep until I heard a knock on the door. It woke me up and I launched up. "I'll get it baby." I said walking towards the front door.

I open the door to find a familiar guy standing outside my door. "Tayler?"

A/N: things are going to get juicyyyy. Word count: 952

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