The attack.

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No ones POV.

Clementine and A.J climbed down the guard tower after possibly seeing The Delta sneaking in the woods towards the school. They go to the others, who were by the fire when Marlon walked to her.

"What's wrong? Are they here?" Marlon asked with worry.

"Yes. They're here and they seem to have a wagon. To carry us away from here." Clem said.

"Oh shit. I'll go let Mitch and Willy know and get ready to set up the bomb." Marlon Says.

"Okay, hurry." Clem said.

"And hey. Be careful, Alright?" Marlon said. He goes and gets Mitch and Willy. Everyone stands in front of Clementine and Y/N, as he shows up next to her.

"They're here?" Louis asked.

"Yes and they have at least twelve soldiers and a wagon to take us away." Clem said.

"Crap." Louis Says.

"Those assholes ain't laying a finger on me or anyone else." Ellie says.

"I can't believe they're actually here now." Ruby says.

"Settle down, Ruby. We're gonna be okay. Now, once they get inside, me and Clementine we'll keep their attention on us. That'll give Mitch and Willy time to set off the bomb." Y/N Says as Marlon comes back with Mitch and Willy.

"Once you guys have their attention, I'll place the bomb underneath the cart. Those fuckers won't see it coming." Mitch Says.

"If we lose the court yard, we fall back into the admin building." Clem Says.

"They're in for a rude fucking surprise with those traps. That bag will crush bones, easy." Aasim Says.

"So uh, you guys have any final words of wisdom before we fight for our lives?" Louis Says.

"No matter what happens, look out for each other and keep fight-." Y/N Says before Omar gets shot in the leg!

"Holy shit!" Louis and Ellie shouts. The kids take cover as Clem drags Omar to the tables as Y/N notices a sniper on the trees. He takes his assault rifle and shoots the sniper out of the tree and to the ground. Y/N then runs to where Clementine and Omar are at as he hears Lily's and Abel's voice.

"Clementine, Y/N! I know you two are in there! Clementine!!" Lily shouts as a Molotov gets thrown over the gate and onto the barricade.

"Come on, push!" Abel shouts. The gate then gets forced open, nearly getting open. Y/N then looks at Omar's wound.

"I think it went through. Just keep pressure on it, Okay?" Y/N tells him.

"Okay. I'll be fine. Just go, you don't have much time!" Omar Says as he takes out his pistol. Y/N then runs to Clementine behind cover.

"Where's A.J?" Y/N asked.

"He's with Ellie but I don't have a gun!" Clem Says.

"Clementine!" Marlon shouts behind a concrete railing. He then throws her his bow and arrows and Clementine takes it. The Delta eventually got in and Lily leads them all inside along with the wagon. They all looked around at the sight in front of them, with the walker heads, spike walls and the banner on the admin building saying "fuck off raiders."

"The fuck is all this?" One raider says.

"They're just scarecrows. Stay focused." Another raider says.

"I'm guessing they took us more seriously this time." Abel says. The kids stay as quiet as possible as Lily Says.

"Search the yard." Lily orders them. One raider was getting too close to where Ellie, Violet and A.J is. Clem saw this and popped out with Y/N, pointing their weapons at Lily and the raiders.

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