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Y/N's POV.

I've been running, down this road, for 2 hours. Exhausted and terrified for A.J's life. He's passed out in my arms, which were getting tired from the running and holding him. With his blood now covering the bottom left part of my shirt. But I have to go on, for his life is at stake. And I have to find Clementine after I help A.J. She's out there by herself with bandits chasing her. Just when I thought there was no hope, I see the walls of Alexandria and the gate. I'm almost there...just keep...moving....

Carl's POV.

I'm on the guard tower, watching the road down a ways and just waiting for something to happen. A walker to kill. A shooter trying to kill me. Or someone that needs a place to go or...someone running to the gate...with somebody in his arms? I grabbed the rifle and looked down the scope. I zoomed in's Y/N Miller...With A.J in his arms! I put down the rifle and grabbed a walkie to call my dad.

"Dad, get down to the front gate!" I Said in a urgent tone.

Y/N's POV.

As I reached the front gate, I see Rick and Carl standing on the other side of it.

"Was he bit?!" Rick asks.

"No...gunshot. Please, help him!" I pleaded. Rick then opened the gate and him and Carl came up to look at him.

"Come on. Let's take him to the infirmary!" Rick Says. I tried to follow them but I can't hold A.J.

"You want me to hold him?" Carl asked.

"No..I..." I said as A.J slips out of my arms but Carl catches him. He takes A.J in his arms and carries him.

"What the hell happened?" Carl asked.

"That man in the woods, that attacked us. Shot him. He fucking shot my kid!" I Said.

"We will do what we can to help him!" Rick assures me. As we get close to the infirmary, we see Maggie, Ruby and Glenn on the street, leaving the clinic. They see us and they all acted surprised.

"Rick, whats going on? I thought they were gone." Ruby asked.

"Never mind that. We need to help this boy now!" Rick said as we all went back into the infirmary.

"Right, Ruby get a bed ready. Glenn, get my surgical tools." Maggie said as she rolled up her sleeves. Glenn then went to grab what Maggie asked for and we followed Ruby into the back room to a bed, where she lifted up the sheets and Carl placed A.J on the bed. Glenn came back with the tools Maggie needed and placed them on a table next to the bed. They set up an I.V unit and put the tube into his arm.

" he alive?" I Said. Maggie then got a Wsteviscope and put them on her head. She placed the heart beat piece on A.J's chest and listened.

"I've got a heart beat. It's faint but he's alive." Maggie said. She took off the Wsteviscope and turned to me. "Y/N, I need your help." She said as I go up to them. "I'm gonna open his shirt and I want you to stop the bleeding with this." She said as she handed me a small towel. I nodded and I take the towel. Maggie then grabs a scalpel and rips open his shirt and it revealed four buckshot wounds with some of them sticking out of his belly. I then put the towel on his wounds to stop the bleeding. As I did this, I became shocked and angry. When I see Abel again, I'm gonna rip his head off with my bear hands!

"Looks like some of them are sticking out still and the others are in there all the way. We'll have to remove them." Ruby said.

"How'd this happen?" Glenn asked.

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