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Writer's POV...

The survivors left the kingdom on the carriage that Carl and Louis rode in on the way to pick up their friends. Ezekiel said his goodbyes to Y/N and Clementine and reassures them all that Marlon is in good hands. He'll be back on his feet in a few days.

On the way back to Alexandria, Y/N had asked Daryl if he can tell him about his brother while they replaced a wheel on the carriage. Daryl explained that he and his brother Merle became drifters when they were in their younger days, before the dead walked. He tells him that he felt more like survivors during that time--learning to live off the land, hunt, track and for money: They sold drugs all over northern Georgia. But none of that survival skills could prepare Daryl when he lost Merle to a madman that tried to kill them when the dead started to walk. Daryl became absolutely broken after his brothers death, almost thinking of biting a bullet. But Rick talked him out of it. Reminding him that there is people who do care about him. That was the reason why Daryl didn't do it: He had another family to protect in this harsh reality. It's what keeps him going everyday and that Y/N has that too.

Once they got back to Alexandria, the gate was more heavily guarded. Watching and prepared for a delta attack after Willy and Tenn got kidnapped by them. Not one talked about what went down out there. Avoiding from Y/N having another chance of a panic attack. The guards at the gate inform them know that theres been no sightings of The Delta anywhere but one did hear some movement in the woods nearby during patrol. Like twigs snapping and bushes rustling but passed it off as an animal. That's when Ellie comes running up to Y/N and Clementine, looking all scared and on the verge of tears:

"Have you guys seen A.J while on the way back?!" Ellie says.

"What do you mean? You were supposed to watch him." Clem says.

"I know and I was but he just snuck out! He did--I just--Im sorry, guys! I'm so sorry!" Ellie says sounding more emotional.

"I'm going back out there!" Y/N says. Just as he turned back towards the gate, he sees his little boy coming towards the wall, carrying what looked like a bag and a spear used for fishing, which had blood on it and his shirt was covered in it also. "A.J!" He said as Y/N and Clem run to him. Clem embraced A.J but A.J didn't hug back with a annoyed expression. Clem was about to check him for bites until:

"No bites, Clem." A.J says.

"A.J, what the hell are you doing? You scared Ellie half to death! Scared me and Y/N!" Clem says, putting her hands on his shoulders and touches his check. A.J shakes her off and backs off a little.

"I didn't mean to scare her but she wouldn't let me go out. I was getting sick of all the fucking stupid waiting so I went out and found this." He said as he opens the bag and got what looked like pill bottles and a couple of vials. "Found them stashed in a house farm. Killed few monsters in the way too." Y/N picks up the bag and zips it up and gets down to his level.

"A.J, regardless of your good intention, you could've died out there. You need to realize that your still a kid and there's dangers that you can't protect yourself from." Y/N says.

"I'm not a kid anymore! I maybe small but I can take care of myself." A.J snaps.

"The Delta is still out there, goofball. You could've--." Clem says before A.J snaps:

"I told you stop calling me that! It's Alvin Junior! Why are you guys being mean to me for?! Why can't you just appreciate this task I did, stupid heads?!" A.J says as he pushes passed us and ran inside, running passed everyone as he quickly glanced at Tenn's bandaged foot. They all look to Y/N and Clementine as they feel embarrassed about what just happened. They then told their friends that they'll talk to him and meet back with them later today. Louis suggested that they should all get together and celebrate Willy and Tenn returning safely. They all agree to that idea and Y/N hands them the bag of medicine.

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